Photos of your Cats on Aquariums

OK...Pet of the Month contest has started. Post those cats on tanks pics in the contest.
Click the following link to view the entry thread.
My cat has a deep love of sleeping on the aquarium, which is funny to me so I would like photos of your cat or someone elses doing the same please.

Here is mine.
My 6 month old Sir Squeeks Alot. He is beyond nosey. Lol 20230707_061712.jpg
Pet of rhe Month is now accepting entries
@Playsander @Coolysd @rebe

Enter your cat in the Pet of the Month contest which is accepting entries now.. Cick banner at top of forums. to view entry thread.
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Some cats get on top of the aquarium because of the heat coming off of the light. I don't have a can't now but when I was young we did. We also had a steel fireplace insert with flattopto that was a good place to heat water for tea or hot chocolate. My dad would start the fire in the morning. And I typically restort it after school. Step one was to wake up the cat and get her off the top of hot flat top. I was never able to figure out how the cat was able to know when the fire was cool enough to sleep on it.

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