Photos Of My 55 Gallon.


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA

With the GBR and the Long-finned GBRs, I can't figure out which are males and which are females. The coolest part so far is that the little regular blue ram is like way smaller than all the other ones but is just as bold...chasing the big ones around and stuff. One of the Long Finned blue rams has been actively bullying it but it doesn't seem to totally just turns toward it and stands up for itself.

I'm a little worried about the female bolivian. Its been in pretty much the same spot since I brought it home. I have seen it eat a few times at this point though which is reassuring.

I'm also surprised how bold the flame tetras are. The get right down to the food wafer with the rams and chow down, unless the male Bolivian is in his "this is MY food" mode.
hi, no idea on the advice you ask for, as they are not fish i have kept.. but my god that blue ram is stunning!! definatley being drawn to these fish over the past few days, the colours are fantastic.. think its time i did some reading up on them :)
a really beautiful tank Ron well done :)

shelagh xxxx
OK from what I can tell, the long finned very pretty rams are both male, the regular ram is female (pink belly).

Cant see anything specific wrong with the bolivs, maybe just need time to adjust more than the others.

Great looking fish btw :good:
Thanks. I have a coconut I'mm going to saw in half this weekend to make a couple caves out of. Definitely need more of those, right now everybody takes turns in the cave created by the two stacked pieces of wood. I'd like more driftwood...something tall. I'd like a few more plants too, maybe 1 more big bunchy sword plant for the right hand side.

A work in progress. hehe

The backround came with the
OK from what I can tell, the long finned very pretty rams are both male, the regular ram is female (pink belly).

Cant see anything specific wrong with the bolivs, maybe just need time to adjust more than the others.

Great looking fish btw :good:

Ah, ok. I thought the two long finned ones were different because one has a much more pronounced black line over its eyes, and the back edge of its dorsal fin is much pointier than the other one..although its front few dorsal rays are shorter than the one with the rounded trailing end and lighter black marks. So the pink belly is the giveaway eh?
Usually the female will have the pink belly and more blue specks in the black spot, which your female does. The long finned definately look male to me.

Also, did they come with the nips out of their tails? Nothing to worry about, some regular water changes will grow them back quickly enough, just wondering if those tetras are having a nip now and again?
Usually the female will have the pink belly and more blue specks in the black spot, which your female does. The long finned definately look male to me.

Also, did they come with the nips out of their tails? Nothing to worry about, some regular water changes will grow them back quickly enough, just wondering if those tetras are having a nip now and again?

No, came that way. They were in a tank with about 10 more GBRs, guessing all or mostly males, about 6 discus and about 10 angels.

The tank was very large but had no caves to speak of, although it had a lot of tall sword plants.

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