In my experience of teaching people to take photographs (all be it in a very different set of circumstances), they take their knowledge and apply it to all areas of photography because as you know so many of the rules apply everytime you pick up a camera.
My aim was to produce a guide that started with the basic of setting the tank up as per the previous guide, and then to progress to the equipment. Most people will likely have a compact of some kind and it would be nice to give some advice on setting the camera up to give the best chance of a good shot without getting too technical.
I think it would then be useful to explain what things mean f-stops, shutter speed, ISO so that people who are a bit more interested or have a D-SLR and are using it on Auto mode can have some idea what they are doing when they adjust things.
Then maybe a little note on editing and even a little note on how to host your photos and upload them to the forum.
I think it would also be useful to include a guide to equipment to reassure people that you don't need an expensive camera to take a good shot and that entry level equipment to enhance their photography is very reasonable (as I say my trusty D100 is my main workhorse because I don't care if I drop it). Photography seems to attract a lot of snobbery, I don't profess to know it all, but I take a reasonable shot I know my way around Photoshop basics, I also know that a lot of people go out and buy a D3000, D3 or EOS D series and never take a photo that couldn't have been captured on a mobile phone, I know a guy who bought a D3 because I had a D2 and he wanted to show off, and then had to take it back as it didn't have an auto setting and he didn't know how to balance aperture and shutter speed.
I wanted to avoid debate I don't mind being questioned but I object to point scoring and the stupid which is better Nikon or Canon argument (no difference really by the way) and offer the good people on the Salty side a quick reference that they could start reading and stop when they got to the point it was too technical. I'm sure those without an interest in Photography wouldn't even scroll down far enough to know the section existed in fact I just opened up a second page to check where it was and I can't even find it, where is it?
So I am happy to do one, unless I'm being told I can't?

and it would seem sensible for the Marine beginners to have a look, seeing as that is who it's aimed at and as we are already gathering useful info for the Marine section it could go in there for checking then if the Photographers like it too, then they can have it. Having taken photos of a few tanks salty and non it is more challenging to take salty ones, light issues, fast fish, macro opportunities etc. Most tropical or planted set ups, many of which are pretty sedentary (except cichlids which are similar in technique to photographing Motorcycle racing

) by comparison and the main issue is getting enough light to be thrown into the tank.