Right, batteries are in and we are set to go - I am currently working my way through the guide and have hit ISO - my camera is set to 800 but see that I would be better off using A setting and puting the camera on iso 400...............and I cant find the blooming manual, where do they all go.........oh hang on, wonder if he has put it in the 'man drawer'! Anyways I cant work out how to change the iso myself, so am downloading the manual!
Oh no hang-on - its on 800 in auto mode its on 100 in A mode
Right so now have the manual and should have pressed f - have now changed the ISO to 400 and I'm on A
Back to the guide................
Errmmmmm..........cough, cough, why is no one else posting about their trials and tribulations
Right, have taken two photos whilst sitting on the sofa, its horrid outside! Just waiting for them to upload on photobucket as seem to have pressed upload twenty photos
which include photos of my two eldest grandchildren in the wood, when I first got the camera
next lesson, how to delete photos
Also HG, how do I check the memory card, doesnt seem to hold many photos?
Right, photo 1 f8
Photo 2 f2.8
Oh gawd, is that right?
I think its right
Now, where the heck are your photos?
Off for the next bit................
Right, think I have done something wrong
shouldnt at least one of them be out of focus?