Photo upload in PM?


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
How do I (or can I) upload an image in a PM? (Personal message)

And another question, can moderators see other people’s PM’s?
No! Lol, I was just wondering if you guys could see them.

But seriously, can regular members upload photos in PM’s?
No, seriously, I was just wondering.
Ok listen, my main question is, “Can I upload a photo in a PM”?
Just look for the "attach file" link bottom of reply area and do it as you normally would do in a regular post.
You can from a PC or laptop etc but not on a moblie phone
"attach files" shows up on my chromebook and on my iphone...try scanning all the way to bottom of reply may be at the very bottom
"attach files" shows up on my chromebook and on my iphone...try scanning all the way to bottom of reply may be at the very bottom
"Attach files" is available for normal threads for me but not on Conversations. Im on android tho (samsung)
No available on my device:
This photo was taken in a PM
I think you can do it off Facebook if u upload it to Facebook first. I think it's designed to prevent misuse. better to lose a bit of functionality and have it a safe site then have functionality and have no site. hope that helps


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