Thanks for the comments.
I have 5 discus.
Sorry to hear of your dicus losses. Did you have your discus long? It seems to me that when you first get discus you have to treat them with meds. They have weak immune systems and usually get sick right after travel to your tanks. Well my trip was a 2 hour drive to the breeder, which might have been part of the problem. I had 3 of my 5 discus get sick after I got them home. Once I used Paragon to treat the fish they acted normal.
I've had these fish 7 months now. Keeping discus for 9 months total, since I bought 2 stunted fish store fish to see if I could keep them alive before going to a breeder and getting nice fish. They range from 4 1/2" to just over 5". Once you get them settled into your tank and get past the first month or two after med treatment, discus are fairly tough fish.