Just jump in at the end here..that is cheato algae and as a tang keeper i'd kill for it,lol...deffo not a bad algae bloom and is easily contolled by emerald crabs, they love that stuff, or hermitss as suggested. Good luck with your new venture and welcome to the salty side
Absolutly right

the only thing that eats it is as Bud says is a mithrax crab, but why would you want to, it's great stuff - I ensured I gave some to YF but don't think he likes it

he will realise now that I am not the only one saying it is good

. When Trod and I first got our live rock we were lucky enough to have some, Trod's was all eaten by her emerald crab within days but luckily i didn't buy one.
When I got my second lot of live rock I was lucky enough to get some dark red as well woo hoo
That was a bit of a shock Shelagh seeing your name on a thread, but of course a nice one
Can you just give us the low down on the tank please
live rock, how much
how old is the system
how long was the rock out of water
test results
do you have a refractometer, do you have salty water up to the correct temp and sg (if not, make that a priority after the testing)
We can then better help you - whatever you do though will have to be gradual as changing water stats. too quickly can do more harm then leaving them for a few days - so lets not panic, just tell us your stats
Seffie x
Oh and a very big

to the salty side