Phosphate Problem

Bud my boy, that looks just like my bryopsis, my tang aint touching it. The sea hare has started to spit it out in disgust.

Unless of course my eyes have completely gone.
ps...would consider thinning out the coralline on the back and even turning a couple of rocks over to reveal more open porous rock....sorry for just jumping in here, but just home and seen this thread
ok well il test it in the morning now as its only been running a few hours with only about 40L of the original water

lol consider it done

Cool, I'd be interested to see what it comes back as.

Get a mix of various hermits and snails. The red legged hermits are great and the blue micro's too. The reds are about £2.50 a pop, double the blue micro's. If your LFS doesn't have them, there are a variety of others that will do. Blue knuckle are very pretty and the Tibican are pretty nice too as they have a big white claw. It used to be funny watching the Tibican's squabbling over food and trying to beat the granny out of one another. None ever got hurt, but they did make for great viewing.

I'd steer clear of halloween hermits as they can be aggressive when they get larger. Equally, I'd avoid mithrax/emerald crabs. Although they look cool, they are partial to soft corals, I seem to remember reading.

I think the large mexican turban/turbo snails also feed on hair algae. They are like the Dyson's of the aquarium world lol. I was suprised at how quick a snail could move! They are big buggers, and can move smaller rocks around if not firmly stacked. I suggest getting one of two of those, some astrea, some trochus, cerith and vibex snails too. Some will clean the rocks and glass, the vibex will clean up your sandbed. A cleaner shrimp wouldn't go amiss either, but check the nitrate levels before you add the shrimp :)


sorry tina on closer look can see the fronds and deffo is bryopsis...raised Mg to about 1500 ppm , before any stock is introduced, along with physical removal should work remains were eventually devoured by the blue knuckle hermits and a gatherer urchin, commonly sold as red or orange tuxedos...
Think the beer glasses need focused tina,lol...
sorry tina on closer look can see the fronds and deffo is bryopsis...raised Mg to about 1500 ppm , before any stock is introduced, along with physical removal should work remains were eventually devoured by the blue knuckle hermits and a gatherer urchin, commonly sold as red or orange tuxedos...
Think the beer glasses need focused tina,lol...

Well as you can see in the first picture there is a domino damsel and in the second picture a tube worm and is that an lps coral?

Anyway don't add any more stock just yet but levels can't be extremely bad if the stock is ok.
thanks all, and thanks buddyboy :)
thinning it out?? thats putting it mildly i take it :lol: rocks wernt "organised just quickely stacked safley as fish were going a bit pale in the bags :( so another thing to do :)
ill let you all know about the test results and equipment in the morning,and then you can let me know if i can go for some hernits,, stock at the moment is just 1 clown and 2x 3stripe damels (humbugs? )
a star fish- seems to like being buried,and a lot of baby star fish,sure i saw a crab of some sort, ( but it is late )
and thanks everyone i really appreciate your help......... oh i can smell seaside, but not hot chips :( :lol:
Bud, you had better get back under that rock. :lol:

I have not had a problem with an emerald crab AK, he will eat the very very short bits of Bryopsis after I have ripped them out.

Getting fed up now though, going to slowly raise mag to 1500 and nuke the stuff.
AK see a humbug damsel,lol......I raised my levels with a lot of stock, some didn't mind some took it bad...what i meant was get this sorted before adding anything more
oops sorry ak..make that luke,lol...drink and key pad are a bad mix here,lol

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