PheonixKingZ Interview.

Just an interesting choice.

they do. That had to do with my reaction too

Favorite color?
Favorite genus?
Favorite color: Red/Black/Olive green. (Don't judge me, I have 3, lol)

Genus? Like in fish?
You state you are a Christian. The Ten Commandments state, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. How do you justify that?
If you are in the military... there are exceptions in my book.

If you just go out and kill people just to be killing them, then that is a sin and its wrong. But if you are fighting and killing to protect your country and those that you love, I see no problem with that. Will I have guilt? Regrets? Maybe, but that is saved for the day that they occur.

It is a widely debated topic, so good question.
Would you say killing someone in terms of self-defense is considered justified?
I agree. I am too but there are a few exceptions that don't include sniping)
And please note: Being a snipere is not all about kiling people.

They also scout (Scout snipers/snipers. Same thing) for possible landing places for their comrades, etc.
Would you say killing someone in terms of self-defense is considered justified?
Yes I would. Now, if someone is attacking you and you have a way of defending yourself that doesn't involve killing the person (like a taser or pepper spray) then use that instead.

If you have another way to get them away from you and you choose to kill them, then that is wrong 1000 times over.
If you are in the military... there are exceptions in my book.

If you just go out and kill people just to be killing them, then that is a sin and its wrong. But if you are fighting and killing to protect your country and those that you love, I see no problem with that. Will I have guilt? Regrets? Maybe, but that is saved for the day that they occur.

It is a widely debated topic, so good question.
But Christians don’t go by YOUR book. They go by The Bible that clearly says not to kill. You can’t make your own rules and claim to live by the Bible. We need to get off of this but just food for thought.
Probably "Betta Splendens".
so the genus Betta?
Would you say killing someone in terms of self-defense is considered justified?
I would.
God gave no exceptions. @PheonixKingZ, I’d like to hear your explanation. How do desire to be a killer and a Christian?
Read above.
And please don't lecture me on my bible. :)
Yes I would. Now, if someone is attacking you and you have a way of defending yourself that doesn't involve killing the person (like a taser or pepper spray) then use that instead.

If you have another way to get them away from you and you choose to kill them, then that is wrong 1000 times over.
Only as a last resort.

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