Phage's 55usg

Sorry about the oto. That happens sometimes.

I see moss peeking through! :hyper:
I know :( Poor otto, I have a few die every so often. I read they just die :\ I have one realllly fat one that's been in there for a while. New ones I add just seem to die... :'(

And thank you guys :) I wish moss grew faster :lol: but doing what Aaron said would get it eaten.
Your Angels do like to eat everything, don't they? :lol:
Well a bit of an update, I've been busy.

Wisteria and watersprite weren't doing so hot in here so I took it out. The jungle vals aren't so sexy either :\ The wood was growing lots of blackbeard algae so I took it out... Sad to have done it. I'm having a blackbeard problem now... I don't know why.
Riccia is doing great, along with the cabomba, stargrass, and hairgrass seems to be doing good. Pennywort gets on my nerves because it always floats up and i have to replant. The lotus is doing great as well. Christmas moss I'm not so sure about, I replanted it in a net thing, maybe it will get better light.








Inhabitants- 13 danio kyathit, 1 zebra danio, 25 or so cherry shrimp
Plants- dwarf hair grass, pennywort, moss balls opened and flattened, riccia, willow moss, java ferns, crypt. wendtii, wisteria, red tiger lotus, and some stem plant I forgot the name of (its all the way on the right side)

Need to finish putting the willow moss on the plastic thingy so it looks a bit bare as well as lay out the riccia.

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