pH worry


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I have my tank quite well prapared and set, leaving the cycling period to finish itself (Only a few weeks now!), and everthing is perfect but one thing that worries me is the pH. It seems to be about 8.5. Is this suitable for a spiny eel, rainbow shark, bristlenose plec and black ghost knife? :unsure:
black ghost knifefish = 6.0-8.0 pH

rainbow shark = 6.0-8.0 pH

bristlenose cat = 5.8-7.8 pH

spiny eel = 6.5-7.5 pH

try finding a natural buffer that will bring it down a tad n they should all be fine
RO water will help bring down your ph,mess with it seperately to find out your exact combo of water,for example 20% ro to 80% tap or whatever. But also keep in mind that your fish have probably already acclimated to your ph if they come from a very local fish store,they more than likely have the same ph you do, messing with your ph is risky business and kind of an exact science, if I were you I'd leave it alone or find some african cichlids to stock with ;)
I heard bogwood can lower the pH quite well, however I have never seen it anywhere. I have seen driftwood though. Will driftwood help?
Bogwood is a good natural way of lowering the pH in the tank just make sure you either buy some thats already in a tank or if you're buying it dry soak for a few days making sure that you change the water regularly, saying that some people like the brown effect caused by the tannins in the bogwood, if this is the case you may not need to soak it.
Discus in pH 8.5 and thriving. I thought I would never see it but there it was. I went to a fish shop quite further away from my house yesterday and they had all their fish in pH 8.5. The manager was nice and helping and said the pH isn't a major worry. He had even sensitive acidic species in very alkaline water. I'll probably get my Bumblebee catfish from there.

Btw, what about driftwood, regarding the ph letdown?

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