Ph Advice.

maybe you should make up the water a couple of days before you use it. Get a bucket and put the water in it. Aerate it for a day and check the PH. Then adjust it in the bucket and when you have the correct pH do a water change on the tank.
Leedsboi, if you are doing a fishless cycle, you could add a small amount of baking soda, not baking powder, to bring up the pH and give you a bit of a buffer. It will help bring the cycle out of the stalled condition and keep things going without removing your ammonia source.
Leedsboi, if you are doing a fishless cycle, you could add a small amount of baking soda, not baking powder, to bring up the pH and give you a bit of a buffer. It will help bring the cycle out of the stalled condition and keep things going without removing your ammonia source.

if you do this just remember ull need to add something to maintain the buffer as this is just short acting buffer of ph
Cycle finished the other morning, Luckly the PH is good for German Blue Rams so I now have a sexed pair of them which are doing very well in the tank.
Gonna keep up with the water changes, Got a new bulb for the lamp so now it runs Tropical Sun and Sun Beam

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