Pets At Home

Where does Pets at Home stand with you?

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For his first fish tank my friend had a coldwater tank. PetsAtHome sold him 5 tropical Platies and said they could go in his coldwater tank, as he trusted them. They all died.
If you where reffering to me as a carrot well lol that I may be but Im not asking pointless questions am I

if you have been to that many stores you will know more than us so why ask and if you want to do a poll to change the company (sorry I did not realise you where a MD) ask your customers as they leave.

IF you did not mean me well I'm sort of sorry

I was not reffering to you. And I am not a Managing Director.

A poll to change the company? I just wanted to know peoples thoughts, everyone has the right to express an opinion. Edit: Ooh, I see what you mean, I meant to improve my 'performance' if you like, as a PAH worker.

I was not reffering to you. And I am not a Managing Director.

A poll to change the company? I just wanted to know peoples thoughts, everyone has the right to express an opinion. Edit: Ooh, I see what you mean, I meant to improve my 'performance' if you like, as a PAH worker.


Should you be giving your own input in a simple point of view request topic?

If you work for them and need ammunition, why not just google them or go through the countless threads on this forum? :p
Obviosly I could be being biased because after all I do work for them. But regardless of wether I do, I would still praise PAH.

I do not like to go on google, because thats 'exactly what they would expect me to do' :ninja:

This is the worst thread I have ever seen, everything is wrong with it, the spelling, the question choice in the poll, Pets at Home is a chain company that franchises its stores of to people rolling in the Benjamin's, they then instate a manager, who will select staff to work in different departments, the knowledge of the manager will go a long way into selection of staff, if they know quite a bit about fish keeping he'll be looking for candidates that are knowledgeable, this knowledge could come from anywhere, people, books, forums, experience, you don't have to have experience to be knowledgeable.

I suggest that this thread is forgotten about because it's not very good at all, all you're doing is stirring up a load of trouble, Pets at Home is a good company, some stores are good and some stores are bad, you can't base your opinion on 1 or 2 stores, you must visit more than that for your thoughts to be even slightly valid, you may think your local is crap but look at the others and you may think differently, the way the store is run comes down the manager and not the company so don't give Pets at Home a bad name because one of their stores isn't up to your standards.

Just because they don't recommend fishless cycles doesn't make them a bad company or any other excuse for that matter, the fishless cycling one seems to be a big one though, people really need to get over the so thought taboo of fish in cycling, it is a totally appropriate way to cycle.

Seriously to all of you who label Pets at Home as a bad company your opinion is invalid, as it is totally biased.

Trucks on a roll! Couldn't agree with you more most shops don't tend to reccomend fishless cycling anyway so targeting P@H home is a bit out of order.. I went to a pets at home and one was terrible and one was quite good. I bought my first fish from P@H they were fine, no problems at all (this was from the good one). It really ranges from shop to shop, their drygoods are pretty good in all of them as they are at good prices.
I've mulled my vote because I don't care. But there are a few things been said I'd like to say something about.

Firstly someone mentioned naming each store differently. Pets at home is a recognised brand. You know the name and know what they sell. It takes time to build a brand, and money. What if you had 100 to build? It would take 100 times the money. Once you open a new store it already has the name on the door to get people in. With a different name who'll bother? Because you don't know what they sell. So naming them all differently is a stupid idea. You would lose more of the benefits than anything else.

As for this poll itself... What if I've been to one shop that was fantastic and one which was apalling? OVERALL my experience with them would be in between the 2 options.

To be honest I've only been in one, it's clean has a reasonable stock of tanks, but only does 3 dif heaters, no external filters. Fish didn't seem too bad but then they had a few empty tanks so selection wasn't great. As far as advice and knowledge... I'm not the best to judge since I don't trust anything any shop worker tells me. It goes in one ear, stops briefly to say to look up info on it then goes out.

After my visit I'm left with no memory of the staff saying anything but I know I want to do some research on something.
Hmmm i wasn't going to vote but...

All in all the store local to me near bristol,is very good in customer service,very helpful & curteous,i buy lots of dog/cat & fish items there...although i do draw a line at buying fish due to somewhat lacking in that department of healthy looking ones...

But has you say you can't say they're all bad after a bad experience...

I also have been to maidenhead aquatics where they lack in customer service,never seen them smile once and i do see dead fish in their tanks.Yet a still buy from there... :rolleyes:

So swings and roundabouts really...
I used to work in Pets at Home about 5 years ago and the training there incorprated the basics of cycling. You had to complete the training within a couple of weeks of you being there so you should be competent at advising customers after you did the training. I voted that I do shop there as good range of fishy and non fishy stuff, also they have a fairly good range of mostly healthy fish in there and theres always staff on hand to help. The independent LFS near me has really gone downhill recently and the service and fish are terrible - never seen marines so badly kept and Id never buy there again after a trip i made the other day.Id also never trust what they say and before i buy any animal i make sure to do as much research as possible - so to the person whose friend bought platys for a coldwater tank - he should have done his own research.
My friend use to work at pets at home until they change hands in my local town, and now they can't tell you much about a pet or a fish. Yesterday i went to see about my first tropical fish the platy and ask how big do they grow the young assistant said about this big using her fingers from 5 inch to 7 inch, so i thought that sounds wrong. So came back home without any fish and looked on the net to see how big they do grow as i was told they only grow about 2inch's. But says my friend that use to work there it was a good shop. But it might be all depends what staff is on at the time? But i have bought some nice things for my 3ft tank from the shop.

I buy accessories there, but defantly not fish, most are in poor condition and they don't sell exotic fish as i like.

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