Pets At Home

the one in Blackheath (blackheath hill) London, seems really clean, and is where i got my tank and all, the young guy that served me seemed to know abit about fish but did tell me i could siamese fighters with neon tetras, which you guys have told me is not a good idea. but all the fish looked healthy.. and the fish department is the biggest section of the store!
the one in Blackheath (blackheath hill) London, seems really clean, and is where i got my tank and all, the young guy that served me seemed to know abit about fish but did tell me i could siamese fighters with neon tetras, which you guys have told me is not a good idea. but all the fish looked healthy.. and the fish department is the biggest section of the store!

I think this was the one I complained to the council about because there were so many dead and dying fish it was disgusting. It was actually quite disturbing. I've also been given really bad advice there (such as use this anti-internal bacteria med for external parasites) and heard a lot of other bad advice given there (such as male & female bettas can live together, and you can have 2 common goldfish in that 5 gallon tank you are buying today).

Maybe they've cleaned up their act since then (few months ago now)
the one in Blackheath (blackheath hill) London, seems really clean, and is where i got my tank and all, the young guy that served me seemed to know abit about fish but did tell me i could siamese fighters with neon tetras, which you guys have told me is not a good idea. but all the fish looked healthy.. and the fish department is the biggest section of the store!

I think this was the one I complained to the council about because there were so many dead and dying fish it was disgusting. It was actually quite disturbing. I've also been given really bad advice there (such as use this anti-internal bacteria med for external parasites) and heard a lot of other bad advice given there (such as male & female bettas can live together, and you can have 2 common goldfish in that 5 gallon tank you are buying today).

Maybe they've cleaned up their act since then (few months ago now)

The one in blackheath is the one i started this whole link about!!!!
lol small world...

they did not seem totally clued up in there, but i did not notice any dead fish, i would have been a bit put off them if i did, i went in the evening last monday, and again on tuesday to take back my volcano and get one that worked.

Im gonna go to the LFS in the blue (southwark park road) as ive heard they are really good, gonna pop in there tomorrow morning and speak to them, take a water sample and all.

i went to pets@home near me in hull last week and nearly all the tanks had dead fish in them i resuced 6 stebia corydoras and im treating them for fin fot at the minite .the tank next to them had some panda corys in and most was dead or dying . and the staff havent got a clue about fish
the one in Blackheath (blackheath hill) London, seems really clean, and is where i got my tank and all, the young guy that served me seemed to know abit about fish but did tell me i could siamese fighters with neon tetras, which you guys have told me is not a good idea. but all the fish looked healthy.. and the fish department is the biggest section of the store!

I think this was the one I complained to the council about because there were so many dead and dying fish it was disgusting. It was actually quite disturbing. I've also been given really bad advice there (such as use this anti-internal bacteria med for external parasites) and heard a lot of other bad advice given there (such as male & female bettas can live together, and you can have 2 common goldfish in that 5 gallon tank you are buying today).

Maybe they've cleaned up their act since then (few months ago now)

The one in blackheath is the one i started this whole link about!!!!

guess my complaint was very effective afterall.
I've stopped going there now... too depressing. The one in North Greenwich isn't any better either.

The best place in London is in Great Portland Street it's called Aquatic Design Centre. I know it's a bit of a long way but it's well worth it.

The place in Southwark Park Rd is ok (ish) the guy is a nice guy and tries to be helpful but i'm not sure he always gives the best advice and their stock is VERY basic. I do like the guy but would never go there for livestock.

Anyway good luck :good:
im not to bothered about the advice side of things, as i have u guys, and also my mums retired boyfriend kept fish for donky years, had about 15 tanks. and used to bread them, and all so i got some good backing there!
The P&H in Lincoln didn't seem bad until I went in the other week and noticed a dead common plec floating around the tank, I told one of the girls who was serving my fiancee at the time (we went to look at chinchillas), she just said "Yep there's a fair few dead ones in there, probably be double that amount by the time we clean them".

I had to walk out and go all the way up to Lincoln Aquatics just to buy some food. I couldn't cope with the cruelty and if I'd had the tank space I would seriously have bought all the fish I could and tried to bring them back.

I went back there yesterday for another look at the chinchillas, the platy tank was nearly empty with 3 having ich, and another 2 looking like they had swimbladder. The mollies and guarmi didn't look to great either. It makes me sick when animals aren't cared for properly. The only thing I will buy from there now is dry stuff if I can't get to Lincoln Aquatics.

The P&H in Lincoln didn't seem bad until I went in the other week and noticed a dead common plec floating around the tank, I told one of the girls who was serving my fiancee at the time (we went to look at chinchillas), she just said "Yep there's a fair few dead ones in there, probably be double that amount by the time we clean them".

I had to walk out and go all the way up to Lincoln Aquatics just to buy some food. I couldn't cope with the cruelty and if I'd had the tank space I would seriously have bought all the fish I could and tried to bring them back.

I went back there yesterday for another look at the chinchillas, the platy tank was nearly empty with 3 having ich, and another 2 looking like they had swimbladder. The mollies and guarmi didn't look to great either. It makes me sick when animals aren't cared for properly. The only thing I will buy from there now is dry stuff if I can't get to Lincoln Aquatics.


Although it seems like a good idea, its perpetuating the situation. A person see's some ill fish kept in bad conditions -> buys the fish -> shop realises that they are selling fish -> shop buys more fish -> more fish kept in bad conditions.

Its hard to resist buying these fish, but in the long run, if everyone did this shops would either stop buying fish or keep them in better conditions.
I know, there's only a couple of places that I would consider buying fish from near me now. Most of the others always seem to have ill dead or dying fish in their tanks, ok I know it happens from time to time but it just isn't a good look. One of the worst was a garden centre fish department that had red tail sharks in with some very nipped apisto's. That made me feel sick that a fish department could intentionally put it's fish in such conditions, and make the apisto's less appealing in the process. P@H is one of those places I would never consider. I just haven't seen one near me that has consistently had nice healthy fish in it's display.
went in the P@H blackheath hill on saturday and yep ur right, dead fish. a really nice catfish with its tail sticking out the filter, and a few small fish floating on top of tanks/stuck to filter grills. was not a very nice sight but they did look reciently dead, and not like they had been there a long time,the catfish got me the most, as it was a really nice one, and it could have prob been saved if they checked the tanks now and again, as it did not look ill.

My P@H are really good, the staff are knowledgeable and question you when you buy fish to make sure they are going to a good environment, I can't fault them at all, the fish are in superb condition too

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