Petco Herbal Ich Cure

some of the fish are a little listless I'm hoping its from the warmer water

As said in the other thread, you have a double whammy of oxygen deprivation. THe warmer water means lower dissolved oxygen. The nitrite is stopping their red blood cells absorbing oxygen, they are being suffocated.

That's why you need to do multiple large water changes until that nitrite level comes under control.
ammonia--NH3/NH4+ .07 ammonia--NH3/NH4+ 0
Nitrite--NO2- 1 ppm overnight Nitrite--NO2- 3 ppm
Nitrate--NO3- 15ppm Nitrate--NO3- 20ppm

time to get a good changer hose thing any suggestions?
Over in the States, you can get the Python. THis will help hugely.

I am truly surprised you have any fish left with 3ppm nitrite overnight.

Seriously, if you kept a dog and deliberately left it in an environment where it was being poisoned by Carbon Monoxide, you'd have the ASPCA all over you like a rash. And rightly so. I don't see why fish have any less rights than a dog.
I'm on my way to look at those

I'm not trying to be cruel to my fish...that lady who sold my the loach is the one...she's a professional?

I feel horrible about it and I'm spending money I don't have to try and fix it.
Just because someone works in a fish shop doesn't necessarily mean that they know what they're talking about.

You also have to remember that the shop, at the end of the day (oh, I hate that phrase, but it is apposite here) has to make a profit. If your fish get sick, or die, and you buy medications and/or more fish, then, ultimately, that's just more money going through their till...

I don't think anyone here would have sold you a clown loach. They're a shoaling fish that are very prone to pining, and infections like whitespot if they're not happy, and should grow to a very bulky foot long. And should really be kept on a sand substrate...

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh; I know you didn't know this and were misinformed. I'm afraid we see it practically every day on this forum (and nearly every other fish forum you can find)
I'm on my way to look at those

I'm not trying to be cruel to my fish...that lady who sold my the loach is the one...she's a professional?

I feel horrible about it and I'm spending money I don't have to try and fix it.

Sorry, I came on a bit strong there. No sensible person tries to be cruel to their fish, and I wasn't trying to suggest you were. Sorry again.
OK 90% water change......clorine out/conditioner stuff and I bought quick start oh and the ICH MED..will test now its been about 45 mins. the Tiger barbs seem better today...less spots...they all seem to be a little happier at the moment..the cherries are about the same ... sooo less whites spotsafter the big change. vacummed up a lot of dusty looking light stuff,,,like to think its ICH
Monday night
Ammonia .07ppm

Nitrite 1ppm

Nitrate 15ppm

Tuesday AM
Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrite 3ppm

Nitrate 20ppm

noon Tuesday 85 degrees 90% change with additives above

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrite .25ppm

Nitrate 3ppm

so its way down right now. Man I hope the bacteria filters are kicking in. Had to turn off the UV

so I may a great investment in that test kit and didn't want to shell out the bucks right now for the Python but got a vac that makes it 10 times easier. Man I hope I got this on the run....Trying to count the fish but its almost impossible...I'm pretty sure I haven't lost anything except that 1 cherry barb, looks like all the Tigers are Clean, Cherries have a few spots left, definitely less whit spots today.

Funny My Red Tailed Shark never had a problem what so ever...:)
I know you have put a good amount of money into this, what dechlorinator are you using? Prime can help to neutralize the nitrite, which will help with the entire process...

And, since you are doing the massive water changes anyway, be sure that you are also gravel vaccing as much as you can. While you can't kill the "bug" while its in the trophont stage - you can vacuum them up and remove them from your water, which will greatly reduce the number in the tank...

Keep up the water changes to keep the nitrite under control...
I have to agree with emo kid. Thousands of people who work at fish stores don't know what they are talking about. You should definitely look at rehoming the clown loach or returning it but even if you return it chances are it won't go to a proper home.

Also I highly recommend using Prime until your tank gets cycled.
Wednesday Morning : Before water change,, very little white spots on fish, treated anyway 86 degrees

ammonia--NH3/NH4+ 0
Nitrite--NO2- 3.5
Nitrate--NO3- 35
will do change now 90%

Lost missing Fish-Amber alert
one more thing.... I had a sick fish that was injured during transport well I lost him(cherry Barb)
All my tiger barbs are there, All my Buenos Aires Tetras are there, Red Tail Shark and Loach are there.
I'm missing 2 Cherry Barbs and 2 Zebra Danios I have no idea where they went . they are completely gone in 1 day, no way to jump out removed all rocks and plants.. everything to the bare gravel,,,they are completely gone, zero sigh of them!!! very odd where could there have gone... they could not decay in one day even at 86 degrees, baffled
Wed morning
ammonia NH3/NH4 0ppm
nitrite NO2 3.5ppm
Nitrate No3 35ppm

Wed afternoon after 90% change and ich treatment
ammonia NH3/NH4 0ppm
nitrite NO2 3.5ppm same odd I mat have to test my tap water
Nitrate No3 20ppm

side test
Tap water 0
tank .25 added some Kordon AmQuel Plus detoxifier

all the fish seem very happy right now even at those levels,,, lots of air going in,, 85 degrees
Thursday after 90% change

ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm

Ich looks good not too many spots if any...will treat for 4-5 more days with temp up

Might have this thing on the run!!!!!

Maybe in a few days I can replace my missing fish!!!!!!
fingers crossed

I have to agree with emo kid. Thousands of people who work at fish stores don't know what they are talking about. You should definitely look at rehoming the clown loach or returning it but even if you return it chances are it won't go to a proper home.

He's pretty tiny right now 2 inches tops

Test before your water change, and only change the water if you see either ammonia or nitrite levels. When you can go a whole week without having to change water, then you can consider yuour filter as being "cycled". Then, AND ONLY THEN, is it sensible to add more fish. Only increase the bioload on your filter by about 30% at a time. After that, test daily again, and do a water change if you see ammo or nitrite. You may or may not, it depends on how well the bacteria cope with the small increases in bioload.
There will come a day when I want to add problem is going to be who to trust...Ich

I was in petco last night and was looking at the blood fins and the fish with them in the same tank had ich

will be testing in a few mins.......

Most reactions
