PETA kills - the truth uncovered

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I'm not sure exactly How food politics is related, I was under the impression that it was brought in as an analogy.
I don’t know how else to explain it. Food politics was brought in because of the organization that is being used as a source for Blue’s thread. The reason the organization is hosting information about PETA is because of food politics. All you have to do is think about it.
However in responce to what was quoted by Gaya, Its a more PETA esque aproach to use every part of the Animal as apose to killing it and wasteing part isn't it, And what we know now is that the AHA is a bunch of baloney, a result of the Grain Farmers.
The american heart association is a bunch of bologna as a result of grain farmers. I have no idea what you are talking about.
In regards to your peta membership, Don't you contribute financially to people whop throw paint on women, smash windows, burn down buildings, and give gruesome comic books out to little kids.
Well thanks for reading my posts :rolleyes:. As I already said I do not contribute financially to any organization. Except the crohn’s and colitis foundation. I raise money for them. I don't agree with burning down anything or hurting anyone. I have no problems with children learning the gruesome details of the reality of the world. Grand theft auto is ok but not reality. Sounds about right huh.
The Agriculture industry has broken all of those ethics, but thats because they are a diverse industry, As an organisation I don't think they have broken many at all, Sure they lie to sell products, but then again, everyone does, thats why we have truth in advertising laws and bueros set up to keep that in check, burning down buildings isn't going to change any of it.
If you don't think the agricultural industry has broken ethics can you please explain to me where you are getting your info. You have a serious lack of information opcn. We do not have unbiased agencies and bureaus that keep things in check. Again, I have already posted about the revolving door. You call that unbiased? Are you kidding? The power of corporate lobbying has completely shaped the industry and its guidelines. Those who lobby and influence legislation are rooted in the industry. It is completely corrupt. It seems that your sold though like so many others.
gaya said:
I have no problems with children learning the gruesome details of the reality of the world. .
you obviously don't have children or you would have real issues with peta ...
them targeting children (as they admit to) is no dif the then cig companies targeting children...
pathetic ,sick,twisted and morally wrong.... it is a form of child abuse.
I don’t know if I would compare their campaign to cig companies as cig companies want people to buy a product that will kill them and PETA wants to scare people into not killing (themselves and animals).

Personally I would never hand out some of the literature that PETA has and plans to hand out to children nor do I condone it. While I don’t agree with scaring children the information is still the truth. I do not have children. When I do I certainly wont be feeding them carcasses and taking them to Burger King as that is not only irresponsible parenting due to feeding them unhealthy food, it supports a grotesque industry and promotes gluttony. I will not allow my child to fall prey to Ronald McDonald, a complete manipulation by a food company. I will not wear a fur coat as that also supports a grotesque industry and I will want to teach my children altruism. I would never be in a situation where my children would be subjected to that kind of retaliation. For those of you who take your kids to KFC, PETA is only one of a slew of problems in your life. Even if I ate meat I would never feed my kids that crap. If my children are old enough to decide and want to eat meat then I will show them where it comes from. I will be honest. I also don’t believe in TV and will not have one in my house so hopefully that will cut down on the manipulation they are subjected to.

Either way I do agree with you but it’s happening regardless if we agree with it or not. I just hope something positive comes out of it.
In both Cases its not there place to make that descision, Besides, I disagree with the assumption that veges live longer.
It makes absolutely no sense to say in the same breath that you are a peta member,but don't condone and would never do 90% of the things they do.
By being a member and supporting them you are not only condoning,but promoting and allowing the things they do to take place.

As far as comparing them to cig companies and abuse of children...
Mental and emotional abuse,manipulation,brainwashing...all of it...what peta does,what the cig companies may have varying levels,it may have varying outcomes...but it is abuse...period.What peta does is no dif then what cults do...prey on the young or easily swayed with a scare tactic campaign ,littered with untruths and manipulated facts.
After reading your views on people who eat meat or feed their children meat, I understand why you defend PETA so strongly, especially if information against them is presented by an organization that promotes eating meat.

Vegetarian lifestyle is a personal choice, and I think it's quite ridiculous to sit there and criticize people's parenting and people's different choice in lifestyle over including meat in their diet. My mind immediately closes to what someone has to say when they take a 'holier than thou' approach. It boggles my mind that some people have a problem with animal products being in our diet but accept that chimps, other primates, and many other species include meat in their natural diets.
Haiku said:
I think it's quite ridiculous to sit there and criticize people's parenting and people's different choice in lifestyle over including meat in their diet. My mind immediately closes to what someone has to say when they take a 'holier than thou' approach.
You just quite effectively described every peta
Ya know guys; people can eat meat with out supporting factory farming. It may be an inconvenience but I believe that is a small price to pay compared to the alternative. I understand why you see my attitude as a holier than thou attitude. Most people who support the industry do. All of us believe that some things in this world are wrong. I believe supporting factory farming is wrong.

Blue, I support many of the causes that PETA stands for. But, I can’t think of one organization on this planet that I support 100% except for maybe Buddhism. But, even there I don’t agree with everything. It means the world to me that PETA is airing commercials about factory farms. The masses need to see what’s going on, as many people have no idea. So many corporations target and brain wash children. Your source spends millions of dollars every year trying to brainwash children and they succeed. For years children have been drawn to happy meals and the cartoons of Burger King and today obesity has become an epidemic is this country and a disproportional amount of people suffer from cardiac problems. The difference is people just don’t know it because so much money is spent on manipulating the population. It’s so well crafted that’s it’s scary. PETA does not manipulate the facts. Their approach is archaic but their message is the truth.

Haiku, outside of PETA I spend a great deal of time researching and studying industries like the Center for Consumer Freedom. Their only goal is to get you to buy their products. They do not care about your health. These companies fight for legislation to be passed on their products when there is evidence of damaging consequences. The only reason sugar has been on the food pyramid for the past decades is due to their fight for profit. The only reason the slogan “eat more poultry and lean meat” exists is due to a compromise fought in the seventies when every health organization in the country wanted to send the message “eat less meat” or more to the point "eat less", is because of their fight for profit. If Blues sources were credible I wouldn’t be having this conversation.

If you think taking your children to KFC for a meal is a positive choice then I feel bad for your children. Like I said earlier, if I were to eat meat it certainly wouldn’t be fast food and you're equating eating meat with fast food? I don’t understand how anyone could condone it. No other species on our planet has factory farms. They go about eating their meat organically. We are not chimps. To compare yourself to a chimpanzee is a cop out and obvious unwillingness to take responsibly for the atrocities you support.
and by the way, I’ve never given any person who eats organic meat flack. If you go out of your way to eat organic meat then I totally respect that. If you don’t bother out of inconvenience than I don’t respect it. I think that is reasonable. Peole who do their very best deserve praise. Anyone supporting factory farming/BK/Mc'D's is not doing their best for themelves or their kids. To deny it is just sticking your head in the sand.
Let's get back to the intent of my thread...

there is proof that peta would rather kill animals then see them owned by humans.

if you have any proof to the contrary ,please present it...

Animal Shelters: Hope for the Homeless


Some animal shelters are wonderful places; others are hideous dumps. Their treatment of animals, purposes, and capacities vary greatly. They may be run by the government, local humane societies, or private individuals. Some are funded by donations alone, while others receive tax support. Sometimes tax money comes with a stipulation that some animals must be turned over to experimenters. Every effort should be made to eliminate this policy, which is known as “pound seizure.” (See the “Pound Seizure” factsheet for more information.)

Some shelters take in only dogs or only cats, but most take in both, as well as smaller animals like rabbits, hamsters, and exotic birds. Some can properly handle wildlife; others refer wildlife emergencies to naturalists or wildlife rehabilitators. If a wildlife facility is nearby, it handles all incoming wildlife.

Because of severe space limitations, most shelters kill animals who are old, seriously ill, or aggressive as well as those who remain unclaimed or unadopted after a certain number of days.

The Ideal Animal Shelter
The ideal shelter is a true safe haven for lost, injured, abused, and unwanted animals. It receives adequate funding from the jurisdiction that it serves, and no animal is ever knowingly given to a laboratory, guard dog company, or unqualified or cruel guardian. When euthanasia is necessary, it is painless rather than traumatic.

The ideal facility also has kind, attentive, knowledgeable staff members, cruelty investigators, spacious indoor/outdoor housing for dogs and cats, a pre-release spay-and-neuter program, pre-adoption screening and follow-up programs, and a comprehensive humane education program. The staff is supplemented by active volunteers. Animals are provided with veterinary care, and there are sick wards and rooms for isolating newcomers.

The ideal cat room has windowsills and various nooks and perches where cats can lounge, feel safe, or sleep. Cats are allowed to roam the room freely. They won’t fight because they know that no one cat “owns” this territory and because each adult is spayed or neutered before being introduced into the room. The ideal shelter also has areas for cats who must be confined because they need to be observed or because they feel more secure alone when they first arrive.

The public is made to feel welcome, and there is a quiet room where people can be alone with the animal they are considering adopting.

Through a strong publicity program, the public is made aware that the shelter is working to eliminate the companion animal overpopulation crisis, the primary cause of homelessness among animals, and that animals are available for adoption at the shelter. Sometimes, as a public service, local newspapers are willing to publish a notice or a list of animals who are available for adoption, along with the shelter’s public hours. They may also print a photo of one of the animals, which is a good way to attract attention. As a public service, local radio and television stations may also be willing to publicize the shelter. Notices and photos can also be posted in stores, animal hospitals, etc.

The ideal shelter is open for redemption and adoption of animals during hours that are convenient for working people. It is open at least several evenings a week and at least several hours each weekend.

When animals must be killed, a painless intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital should be administered by gentle, caring staff members. (For animals who are feral, very small, or very young, an intraperitoneal—in the stomach cavity—injection may be acceptable.)

Remember: The programs and facilities above would be included in the ideal shelter, and with the help and persistence of dedicated volunteers, good shelters can become ideal shelters.

Less Than Ideal
“No-kill” shelters euthanize animals only under extreme circumstances, if at all. Because of this, they cannot accept all the animals who are in need of help. Some no-kill shelters only take in animals who are highly attractive, young, or purebred or those who come from the police stations of certain municipalities. Many of these shelters direct people with unadoptable, old, injured, or sick animals to facilities that have no choice but to kill the animals to make room for new arrivals. Each time such a referral is made, there is a greater chance that the animal will be abandoned instead of taken to a shelter.

At some no-kill shelters, “unplaceable” animals end up confined to cages for years. They may become withdrawn, severely depressed, and “unhousebroken” or develop anti-social behaviors that further reduce their chances of being adopted. Well-meaning people who take on the huge physical and financial responsibilities of a no-kill shelter often find themselves overwhelmed very quickly, and too often, the animals suffer from lack of exercise, playtime, and individual care and attention, ending up warehoused in misery. Some “no-kill” shelters have been shut down by humane officials after gradual neglect turned into blatant cruelty.

Here is a nice little clip about the nature of animal shelters. It's a long read but I hope you read it. Every animal in every shelter cannot be financially supported. It is not possible. Are you able to put two and two together? hope so.
I think I can manage to put it together... ;)

your "proof" doesn't change the facts...PETA has an extremely high kill rate...higher then other shelters...and their reasoning is that they prefer dead to owned.

Show me the proof that this is not how PETA operates and that they would rather see a life saved and owned ,then dead...
I would normally be interested in hearing a calm, nonjudgmental presentation of what you are saying in a topic that was meant to discuss that, but to be honest your methods in getting your message across make me defensive and offended. You may claim I feel this way simply because I "support the industry," but I am generally quite open minded and ready to listen to ideas if presented factually rather than phrases like "I feel sorry for your kids," which is a condescending and superior attitude.

It's besides the fact of course, but I don't have kids and I don't eat fast food.

Sorry BlueIce, that your thread got off on a tangent. I didn't even mean to respond this much, but I'm determined to let it go at this point. I for one believe that PETA practices unnecessary euthanization when they could afford to make their shelter a no-kill shelter, but I think they'd rather put their funds into their other campaigns.

Edit: I know people who work at no-kill shelters who'd be pretty apalled at the generalization of that article. Why not cite a source for it? :dunno:
Your argument makes no sense at all Blue, if you really stop and think about it. Thinking here is so crucial as it is with so many things. PETA fronts itself as an organization to help animals but would rather see them dead then live as pets? The premise is illogical. You have been duped. PETA would rather see an animal put down then spend its life in a cage. That’s really the nuts and bolts of the whole story. It’s not rocket science. No organization can support all the homeless animals in the world in appropriate conditions. I’m sure Random would know better than I but I used to work at shelter when I was a kid and so many animals go un-adopted and live in deplorable conditions.
Gaya,you're being quite rude and condescending....

thanks for contributing your overbearing opinions.
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