Pet Sitting Is A Very Difficult Job


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Meet JJ(or JayJay) our friends kitten. Him and our 7 month kitten Taz get along famously so its more like vacation for the lil' guy, can't you tell?

lovely pic. he's obciously exhausted from the hardship of having to petsit, lovely
Looks like he is in deep sleep. I bet he was a handful when he woke up. The kittens Ive had in the past would run around play for an hour and then sleep for 15-20 minutes and then start all over again.
He was in pretty deep sleep. Not the flash or sitting down beside him woke him up compaired to our other kitten, who is more of a light sleeper and will get up and follow me to where im going then lay down again. But yeah the 2 boys get into tackles and playing tag so they poop each other out pretty quick.
Haha, that's adorable :wub:

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