pet of the month discussion

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Just my two cents...

How is someone to know that it is or isn't your pet? I could post a pic right now of a dog that I took a pic of yesterday in the park and none would be the wiser. I could go to my friend's house and take pics of his dogs and enter them into the competition and none would be the wiser because I could always get unlimited photos of them.

Anyway here's some fact about what a pet is:
1) An animal kept for amusement or companionship.
2) An object of the affections. <-- I think the aibo would qualify here... Maybe I should photograph my pet rock ;)
3) A person especially loved or indulged; a favorite: the teacher's pet.

So, I guess the real question here is: "How does the forum define pet?"
abstract said:
as for the title, i find it ridiculous that that is all you are interested in, wwestar, and i will outright state that you will NOT be getting my vote because you 1) took the pictures begging for a POTM nomination, 2) only want to be part of it to get a title, and 3) are arguing your side on behalf of your greed..i know you won't CARE that you don't get my vote, but i wanted to put that out inthe open....
big deal, you get a title...i am very happy that my cat won POTM, but i think i will refrain from changing my title until i reach the post limit - if i will even change it then, i don't know...
See now abstract your getting under my skin. I find it ridiculous to be in the competition without a prize. The dog will have no care in the world if he wins. Maybe If someone sends him a bone through the mail.... Hey thats a thought. :D So the prize of the title is the only thing that drives me to be in this comp. I would have not made the mistake and asked to be nominated if a) There was no tittle as a prize B) Knew people like you were going to be so criticle towards me. The drive toward the title is a matter of opinion. Maybe you might not have as much as an urge as i do to have the title. And i think its extremely wrong that you don't respect my opinion. And don't put words in my mouth. I do care if you vote for me.
If your pet was elected for POTM and then she died the day after she was, can you keep her in?? Also, I think that is foolish to have a robotic dog in the compotition. Seriously... its a toy. Can I start taking pictures of my Beanie Babies? Sorry about that just its hard if you raise a pet and work hard to get a quality picture and then somebody else can just take their toy, put it in a position, and get a perfect non-fuzzy picture.
wwestar2000 said:
abstract said:
as for the title, i find it ridiculous that that is all you are interested in, wwestar, and i will outright state that you will NOT be getting my vote because you 1) took the pictures begging for a POTM nomination, 2) only want to be part of it to get a title, and 3) are arguing your side on behalf of your greed..i know you won't CARE that you don't get my vote, but i wanted to put that out inthe open....
big deal, you get a title...i am very happy that my cat won POTM, but i think i will refrain from changing my title until i reach the post limit - if i will even change it then, i don't know...
See now abstract your getting under my skin. I find it ridiculous to be in the competition without a prize. The dog will have no care in the world if he wins. Maybe If someone sends him a bone through the mail.... Hey thats a thought. :D So the prize of the title is the only thing that drives me to be in this comp. I would have not made the mistake and asked to be nominated if a) There was no tittle as a prize B) Knew people like you were going to be so criticle towards me. The drive toward the title is a matter of opinion. Maybe you might not have as much as an urge as i do to have the title. And i think its extremely wrong that you don't respect my opinion. And don't put words in my mouth. I do care if you vote for me.

OMG folks its time we sat back and thought about what this competition used to be like, people posted photo's, other people said awwwwwww how sweet or terrific photo and would recommend the pet for P.O.T.M.
No one cared about prizes it was just about showing others our great pets.
I've had lots of my animals nominated for P.O.T.M lately but only chose to enter one and that was because i thought it was a real cute photo, congratulations abstract btw tuesday definatly deserved to win last month and i was proud to come in second.
I don't put photo's of my pets on the forum to have them nominated and i certainly wouldn't ASK people to nominate them so i could put a title on my avatar.
I put my pets in to show people what truly great companions they are and to say i'm proud of them. Guppy's aibo may not be a real living breathing creature, but he loves it, is proud of it, and yes gets companionship from it.
so why not let him enter spongebob in POTM and hey guys if you don't agree you don't have to vote for him, i'm sure guppy wont spit the dummy like some people.
Holy good lord. :huh:

Why does everything always have to have a "prize"? Can't anyone just be satisfied that they WON something..and leave it at that?

It's dumb to say it has to be "your" pet when yes anyone could post a picture of whoever's animal...there is no way to stop that and unless they tell you it's not theirs you aren't going to know (there's a hint to some people..don't want to get griped at..don't offer up details that you knwo are going to set people off) why linger on it?

I do think the animal should have to be no pet rocks or robitc animals...that is a pet. A pet is something that you love and that loves you back....a robotic dog or rock can't do that.

This should not be this hard. It's FOR FUN...and several of you are making it NOT FUN. So just stop it already, and let's get back to looking at all the pretty kritters!!!!!!! :S
Well said lady_tanksalot I think this is getting way to heated. All this thread is to make suggestions for the rules and not a arguement. Or what ever, I am surprized at you people for acting like this. Cant we make a few suggestions about the rules and leave it at that. I have asked for a banner or a little better prize mabey we will get it if all this bickering and smart remarks stops. Please lets leave this topic open for suggestions.And if this dont stop then I will close the topic and make the rules up myself. Without the help of the members. This contest was meant for fun to start with and the prize wasnt that great to begin with. But I am sure if we can all stick together on this we will come up with a better solution..
I'm just saying that it is not fair to have a toy robot get nominated for POTM. Who knows, some people will probably find it funny and vote for him, and he could win. I'm not doing this for the title, but it would be nice to win POTM and then I would know that people actually apreciatte my pet! Its hard to take a good quality picture of a moving animal, and in my case, it was very hard to get a picture of a frisky young hamster. I flashed the camera at the perfect time. And it was hard to get the puppy to stay sniffung the camera lense through 3 flashes. With the stupid robot, you can just move its legs into a position, turn it off, and take the picture. I used to have that robot, and you really could just bend its legs around when it was off. And its kind of hard to get companionship from that TOY. I personally dxont think that anybody should be voting for atoy. Can I go take a picture of my Beanie Babies and enter them into the POTM? And its kind of loserish to be proud of a toy that loads of people have. It's my opinion, and I stand for it.
SRC said:
I do think the animal should have to be no pet rocks or robitc animals...that is a pet. A pet is something that you love and that loves you back....a robotic dog or rock can't do that.


They dog does love u back say i go in to the room his happy to c me and will do some think but if some one he does not no comes in the room he does nothink or goes over to them and gives him his por
Is there a hall of fame for past winners like there was for the other comps that were going? surely that would be a better idea and then you have the satisfaction of having your pic there?
if the robot was nominated then he was nominated, it doesnt mean you have to vote for it or anything else you dont like. just vote for the one you think deserves it for whatever reason you may have. i havent voted yet and i will vote for the picture that i like.
Angel Lady this fighting must be really upsetting for you, but stick it out and to be honest i think the rules will come together in time.
It is about a friendly competition after all, and if you dont stop the bickering then i can see it being closed.
no guppy, he does not love you back. XP XD XD he has sensors in his head. motion sensors. XP I think a good rule would be no inanimant objects alowwed in the compotition. ONLY ANIMALS. and not zoo animals. Wow guppy you think that and you 16?!?!?!?? Thats pretty scary...

Well, I've bought a new pet today.

^Thats James. He has real feelings. He was so happy to see me today!
I actually think the only rules should be:

* some kind of limit as to how many you're allowed in one month
* as long as they were once living and breathing
* a pet that belongs to somebody (not a wild animal)
* they can't have been up for voting in a previous poll (the actual same photo, not the pet).

There does not need to be a prize. It's just a bit of fun.
Is there a hall of fame for past winners like there was for the other comps that were going? surely that would be a better idea and then you have the satisfaction of having your pic there?
oooh I like that idea. It should be locked too so only angel lady can post the winners in there.
Yeah I dont really care about the prize. Another rule.

-* No inanimate objects.
Ok, now that was kinda rude to call him names for liking something that other people have. I have a cat, does tha tmean I can't be proud to own it becasue someoen else might have one that looks like it? I'd think not.

Guppy, now you know what I meant. I know you posted the robotic dog to prove a point..and you've made it. The robotic dog does not "love" you. It is a programmed machine. It coudl easliy be programmed to not "love" you as well.

Man, you people argue over some simple stuff...this is kinda silly.
well, SRC, we are not talking about real pets or cats, we are talking about a toy getting nominated for POTM.
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