peru order

SirMinion said:
If you ever need to do any carpentry you can just use one of them as a saw!
lol, well......i have got some acrlic to cut, not sure if i have suitable gloves to hold them with though!

I don't think there's any other cat it could be Ben!! I'ved seen one at my LFS before and that was exactly the same there so gorgeous!
there are a couple of similar dora species i have seen, although most aren't properly described so i was just checking!

Paul_MTS said:
on the list the whip tails were down as...

Loricaria royal- Pseudohemiodon sp. The people i got in with me on the order only wanted 1 of these and Peru sent 4 and the guy new he wouldn't sell them so gave them all to me, i'll have the smaller pair and my mates can have the big pair.

I'm not too sure what there meant to be but quiet differnt from Sturisoma Aureum as i have 1 of these already.
Oh no ! :eek: Can't I be your mate ???
:-( I'll just get my own then ( :p ). I've actually just been reading up on them tonight (before even seeing your thread). I want to add some Sturisoma to my one tank, but not sure which lol
I am so incredibly jealous right now...

Amazing fish! :drool:
Dude, they are some serious fish! Im with bloo on this one! :p
Nice looking fish and they sound like healthy specimens! :thumbs:
Paul - I also live in Essex - not far from you - I've got a big tank that would make a lovely home for them. Pleeeeeeeeze. They are absolutely amazing :wub:
gadazobe said:
Paul - I also live in Essex - not far from you - I've got a big tank that would make a lovely home for them. Pleeeeeeeeze. They are absolutely amazing :wub:
Hey :grr: if anyone's in line here, it's me !

wow those are AWESOME fish!!

I think I sdaw one of those in my lfs... bit pricey but wow... when I saw its older realative :hyper: !!
are your Doras active at all? I have a raphael that is in the same exact spot that its been for 6 months at least. I dont even know what he eats.
now when it says peru, do you mean the country, or is that some bnritish fish company?

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