Personal Message Above Fishy Icons

Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I've noticed that above the little fishy icons that go up as your post count goes up some people have a little personal message. How do you do this? Like mine says 'fishaolic' can I change this?
I've notcied it's people with lots of posts so is that once you get loads of posts you can edit your own message?

that's right - it's 1250 I think.

I rather wish it was done away with comepletely, as a lot of people just spam post go hike their post count up so that they can change it :/
True, but they seem more inspired when there is a "goal" in sight !
Well it took me ages to find this info. And now I find I can't change my title for ages!

I haven't got 1250 questions and I've got no answers!

Ah well at least this is one post towards getting off newbie (a word I hate!)
Ah well at least this is one post towards getting off newbie (a word I hate!)
Afraid not ;) Posts in this section doesn't count towards post count.
I would love to see the post count hidden. It's really a meaningless number IMO. This was done on another non-fish-related forum I am a long time member of and it was generally agreed that it was a good idea.

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