Perfect stocking


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
After my topic in chit chat realising that most of my fish are going to be dish for a meroduntus tigrinus when/if i get one.

I though i might re think my tank aorund one and try to see what i would have to give up and what i could gain.

Here are the fish that have to be included.

My arowana (der!!)
a few birchirs... so far, P. Palmas Poli, P. ornatipinnis, P. senegallus.
my oscar
a few sevrums.
stingrays (p. Reticulas)

and would be nice to be able to inlcude my BGK.....!!!

Perfect stocking around a tigrinus = nothing.

They truely deserve and should really have a specialised tank of their own, they are not really a fish to hang out in expensive community tanks.

Of your list the arowana, ornate bichir, oscar, sevs and rays will be safe from a full grown tigrinus, the smaller Polypterus will easily become food.
Thought as much....

Looks like thats one very nice fishy I'm going to have to put behind me.....

sooo without a the tig and bringing back the eels and hueta gar is there anything i could add?

I always wanted a group of ornate pims....

and what about a large shoaling fish now?? silver sharks could be possible??
Ornate pims would be perfect, if you can find them get at least three as my two squabble quite often. The same goes for any of the medium/large pimeloids that grow up to a maximum of 18 inches.

Sharks may or may not work depending on the temprement of your arowana, i had to get rid of mine because they freaked everytime the arowana even looked at them, but then mine is a jardini :lol:
Trimar have ornate pims up all the time and the while lines. there about £16 each i think.

yeah it's fun watching my pim pictus argue and buzz!!.

My arowana is a chilled out dude!! doesn't bother anyone and doesn't eat bothered, it's funny watching him bob out the water for his food :D

and any others?? :D

oh and i'm guessing no but any chance of a Brachyplatystoma juruense being any different from a tig?
oh and i'm guessing no but any chance of a Brachyplatystoma juruense being any different from a tig?

Basicly the same fish but with duller markings and a cheaper price tag, ive seen the cheap ones on trimar and been tempted but dont have a suitable tank for one.
CFC said:
Perfect stocking around a tigrinus = nothing.

They truely deserve and should really have a specialised tank of their own, they are not really a fish to hang out in expensive community tanks.

Of your list the arowana, ornate bichir, oscar, sevs and rays will be safe from a full grown tigrinus, the smaller Polypterus will easily become food.
I think that's a bit harsh. They are generally alright with fish that are not competitors for food, because that is where the problems usually arise. Also, I very much doubt that even a fully grown tig could or would eat even a senegal bichir (at full size, of course). However, I would not suggest one for your tank, it would very likely be out-competed for food. ;)
CFC said:
oh and i'm guessing no but any chance of a Brachyplatystoma juruense being any different from a tig?

Basicly the same fish but with duller markings and a cheaper price tag, ive seen the cheap ones on trimar and been tempted but dont have a suitable tank for one.
Also, jurenese are more aggressive feeders, and should do fine in your tank. I'd give it a shot. :)
harsh is good, then there's no if buts and maybes!!

my 10" TSN gets all the food he needs and if the tigs are just as predactory then he would have no troubles. I'm feeding alot at the moment to make sure my rays get enough.

don't get me wrong i really really really want a large catfish preferable a shovelnose type in my tank as centre piece next to the aro :D ) but if i have to start getting rid of some of my well liked fish it's not worth it.

10 lance fish with a few chopped into 3, 2 chopped king prawns, about 15-20 froozen river shrimp, 2 chunks of chopped mussel, a chunk of discus mix (high in protein!!) and then a lump off bloodworm. this is with adition mealworm, superworms and live bloodworm and any crickets that are too big for my lizards.

I'm going to have to start saving my pennies for a 10x4x4!! then i can get some serious stocking!!
Paul_MTS said:
harsh is good, then there's no if buts and maybes!!

my 10" TSN gets all the food he needs and if the tigs are just as predactory then he would have no troubles. I'm feeding alot at the moment to make sure my rays get enough.

don't get me wrong i really really really want a large catfish preferable a shovelnose type in my tank as centre piece next to the aro :D ) but if i have to start getting rid of some of my well liked fish it's not worth it.

10 lance fish with a few chopped into 3, 2 chopped king prawns, about 15-20 froozen river shrimp, 2 chunks of chopped mussel, a chunk of discus mix (high in protein!!) and then a lump off bloodworm. this is with adition mealworm, superworms and live bloodworm and any crickets that are too big for my lizards.

I'm going to have to start saving my pennies for a 10x4x4!! then i can get some serious stocking!!
Harsh is not always good, people are very quick to tell you what you can't do, and not quick enough to tell you what you can do. Jurenese are around as predatory as a TSN (a little less than a RTC :lol: ), so it should do fine. However, saying that a tig should be kept as a solitary fish is going way too far. :)
Paul_MTS said:
10 lance fish with a few chopped into 3, 2 chopped king prawns, about 15-20 froozen river shrimp, 2 chunks of chopped mussel, a chunk of discus mix (high in protein!!) and then a lump off bloodworm. this is with adition mealworm, superworms and live bloodworm and any crickets that are too big for my lizards.
Wow, thats some serious food, I am upto 3 cubes of brine shrimp and a cube of blood worm or mysis each day. How much do you spend on food?

not as much as I should....

looking at my invoice.

16 bags of live food is £5-60 (8 bags a week)
1 blister pack of froozen is £1
500g block of bloodworm is £3-50
bag of lance fish £4-50

all are plus vat!!

the joys of working in a fish shop.
Black_Ghost_Guy said:
CFC said:
Perfect stocking around a tigrinus = nothing. 

They truely deserve and should really have a specialised tank of their own, they are not really a fish to hang out in expensive community tanks.

Of your list  the arowana, ornate bichir, oscar, sevs and rays will be safe from a full grown tigrinus, the smaller Polypterus will easily become food.
I think that's a bit harsh. They are generally alright with fish that are not competitors for food, because that is where the problems usually arise. Also, I very much doubt that even a fully grown tig could or would eat even a senegal bichir (at full size, of course). However, I would not suggest one for your tank, it would very likely be out-competed for food. ;)
24" tigrinus and a 12" senegal bichir, :lol: thats got lunch written all over it, if a 14 inch lima can take down and swallow a 7 inch bala shark as happened to another member here then a slim bodied bottom dwelling fish like a bichir has no chance against a even larger cat.

The reason that i said a tig should have no tankmates is that very few aquarium fish will enjoy the specialised needs of a tigrinus, being a fast water fish found in rapids the tank should be fitted with at least two large powerheads to simulate the current they enjoy and surely with such a expensive fish we should be doing our best to make it happy? Fish like rays, arowanas and bichirs just wont like fast currents like that as they come from slower flowing rivers or swamp like waters.
If you can grow them to a decent size a couple of payara would love the same conditions though and would look awesome.
Payara....... :blink: I just looked them up and they have some huge teeth :crazy:

as a guide how many inches of fish max should I have??

also seeing as this topic is alive...

i'm thinking of shifting my sump around soon. Swapping my aqua rock biological media in for some descent stuff mainly being ehiem substrat pro. about 5-10 litres of the stuff.

I already have 1 ltr of this running my 90gallon, i'm justing thinking of best way of maturing the rest??
Paul_MTS said:
Trimar have ornate pims up all the time and the while lines. there about £16 each i think.

yeah it's fun watching my pim pictus argue and buzz!!.

My arowana is a chilled out dude!! doesn't bother anyone and doesn't eat bothered, it's funny watching him bob out the water for his food :D

and any others?? :D

oh and i'm guessing no but any chance of a Brachyplatystoma juruense being any different from a tig?
i found White lines for like 4$ because the LFS had them marked as "medium Catfish" they also had eupterous as USD's for 2$

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