large schooling fish

CFC said:
Giant gourami get big enough but ewwwwww (shudders) what a UGLY fish.
wooo someone agree's with me!!!

we had a big one at work and i couldn't stand it.

i'm trying to not buy things that will need a bigger tank at the moment as i don't know what the future holds!!

i just had a thought (opps!!) are my plecs going to be safe in with the tig?

i know it's not wise having them with the rays but i have some beedy eyes on them. the smallest would be my L114 at 10"
Asking the wrong person really, i dont like keeping plecs with any expensive fish as they are heavy polluters due to their continual feeding and have the habbit of sucking on the sides of other fish. BTW they are also well known for attacking bichirs as well as rays.
oh ritey....anyone else know that one??

yeh i'm aware of they may take a liking to me bichirs and eels aswell.

maybe i will get rid of th.... make some room for more bichirs!!
Hmm, mid level...There's Bala Sharks, but then they can end up food for Lima probably no...

Man, that is one hell of a task. How about if you built a hill in the middle, that might push the rays up higher every now and then? :dunno:

Are there any Cichlids that might fit the bill? I know some can get large, but are often aggressive...

I think the real problem is not with size more than body shape and that cavernous hole that will be the ZSN's mouth.

I know, how about another ZSN? :hey:
I kept thinking FlowerHorns and Doviis, or a Jag.

Not to hijack your thread, but are there any big catfish that would do well in a 100g? It would be in there with a Tiger Oscar and maybe a few Hujeta's.

DB :fish:
How about if you built a hill in the middle, that might push the rays up higher every now and then

lol i think they would prefer a half pipe :lol:

I know, how about another ZSN?

read in 1 of CF's other info pakced replies that to house 2 yopu would need 250g's per fish.
Yep, ZFN are territorial toward their own kind and similar looking fish so other shovelnoses of any kind are out.

Flowehorns doviis or jags!!! are you insane? Who on earth would even consider putting one of those in with a few thousand pounds worth of fish? There is just too much of a oppertunity for waking up to a dead mutilated catfish/arowana and a smirking soon to be dead Cichlid.

A good medium sized catfish to go with oscars would be Sorubim lima, but the hujetas may end up as snacks, you could try other large pims like ornates, whitelines or blochi with them but they are a bit harder to find.
Thats a point is my hueta going to end up as a tooth pick to the zsn??

also having to get rid of my beutiful eels and maybe plecsw would leave space for some ornate pims maybe....
Im suprised your TSN hasnt already had the hujeta and appollo sharks, they are prime targets for hungry catfish.

With a ZFN that will be the only cat you have space for really, apart from maybe a large Doradid like Uraniscopes (megladoras) irwini to do a bit of clean up duty.
the TSn is about the same size as the hueta and apart from the smallest one the apollos wouldn't fit inside the TSN they are a bit bigger.

i might have to rethink getitng a zsn... :(

hmm i expect a pseudodoras niger would get on fine, and you have to admear there huge spines!!

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