Peppered Cory Fry


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
west midlands,uk.
hi all,up until the weekend my 4 week old fry were doing great.on sunday afternoon (after the shops were shut-typical!)i noticed one of the tiny ones had what appeared to be fungus on its tail.anyway,all i had in the cupboard was methylene blue so i isolated the fish (i also isolated the other 3 little runt ones as they looked slugish) and added it to all tanks.this morning 3 of the runt fry had died (including the one with fungus),the other runt looks ok & all the bigger fry in the main fry tank look & are acting ok.what should i do?should i do several water changes to get the methylene blue out of the water & add somethng else and if so what?i keep the bottom of the tank as clean as i can,feed them microworms 4 times a day and do a 30% water change every day.what else can i do?

i posted last week about the runt that had fungus,i think hed been knoked when my fella done a water change & kept tiping on his side but was feeding etc ok & seemed to be getting better,obviously not!!!

please give me some advice as i dont want to lose all my cory fry.thanks :) x
just an update...the 11 fry in the main tank are still all looking ok and the last little runt is still swimming around ok in his own tank.i did a 30% water change last night in both tanks so some of the methylene blue has been removed from the water.should i put the little runt fry back in the main tank as i hate seeing him all on his own or should i leave it another couple of days just in case?also,should i add some more methylene blue to replace what i have taken out with the water change?thanks for any advice. :) x

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