Peppered Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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Hi just got back from my lfs with 3 glowlight tetras (getting 3 more during the week as i dont want to add to many at once) and added them to my quarantine tank. Just had a quick look in my main tank that contains 4 peppered corys & noticed about 6 eggs on the glass :D . I thought they had been acting a bit strange this morning :hyper:.

What to do now. Its too late to put the eggs in my quarantine tank so should i get a breeding trap or breeding net or what should i do???? The lfs is open for another hour or 2 so if anyone can advise me ill rush down. Oh yea i have an airstone, i read that if i use a breeding trap i should put this in? is that correct?

hi cor2008

congrats on the eggs keep an eye out for more as they can lay them over 2-3 days some times.
all i do is place them in an old iceream container or tuper wear tub in the tank as the best thing is you dont have to go out and buy a breeding trap :good:
remove the eggs and put them in the container floating in the tank with the air stone dangling into it at the top they should hatch with in 2-3 days.

good luck :good:
Woohoo, thanks drewry.. Got too excited though and already got a breeding trap. Its a marina 2 in one fish hatchery. Im guessing its probably more for live bearers but hopefully it will do the trick. I also got a second small airstone to run off my existing airpump. The sides of the hatchery have tiny slots in them to leave water flow in and out (about a millimeter), should i still add the airpump. I presume when they hatch they will surely be bigger than a millimeter?? :/ ..

Must say im well pleased :fun:
Forgot to ask when it is best to move the eggs. The female is still cleaning the glass near where the eggs are and the male is still trying to get it on with her :rolleyes: .. Is it ok to try and place them in the trap now or wait.

Also should i just roll them into the trap with something like an old credit card or whats the best way to move them..

Thanks again :good:
Just noticed one egg went missing so iv moved the other 7 into the breeding trap. Iv placed the hatchery on the opposite side of the tank from the pump but there seems to be a nice gentle flow going in through the little slits on the wall. Should i also add the air stone?

Also i bought interpet liquifry for egg laying fish. It says to add the liquid as soon as the eggs are laid? is this right because as far as i can see the liquid stuff will just flow out the sides of the breeding trap??

Sorry for all the questions, just never though they would actually breed so have no idea what to do now.
Hi, cor2008,

Welcome to the corry egg club :good:

I would add the air stone, it will reduce the risk of fungus to the eggs.

As to the interpet liquifry for egg laying fish, I started using this after they had hatched. They hatch with a yolk sack that will feed them I think for around 24hours.

Have a read through this it may help, i'm going to have to updated it.
Thanks StrontiumDog :good: . Just had a good look at the eggs there, all are a beige colour except one. The only problem is i noticed a kind of clear wool like substance on the eggs. Im thinking it either a fungus or its what happens naturally??

Can anyone tell me how they should look after just over 3 days. If it is a fungus is there anything that can be done. I tried to get a picture but its impossible to make it out. Hoping at least 1 or 2 can survive.

Forgot to add i have loads of water movement in the trap.
Hi cor2008,

The only problem is i noticed a kind of clear wool like substance on the eggs. Im thinking it either a fungus or its what happens naturally??

Sounds like fugus to me, and they need taking out ASAP, so it doesn't spread to other eggs. You may have a good water flow, but I did with mine and I noticed when my air stone wasn't producing as much bubbles(oxygen) around the eggs they seemed more prone to fungus.

I personaly didn't add anyanti fungul treatment but this maybe an option?

The best way I found to check each egg was to use a piece of 6mm air tube(clear) and suck them up into the tube and, check them against a good light source IE: your tank light. If they have white clear wool stuff on them.... bin them. If they are beige in colour return them( if you have alot of eggs it maybe worth putting them back into another container so you have all the good eggs together) when done, put them back into breeder trap.

If you haven't put an air stone in yet, why???
Yea I put in an airstone straight away. I also positioned the breeding trap so there was loads of water flowing through it from the pump. To be honest it looks like 5 out of the 6 good eggs might have fungus unfortunately. Problem is i dont know for definite,and i dont want to go at them unless im sure. How are the eggs meant to look after almost 4 days. If it is fungus is it too late to treat with anything. I read somewhere about adding Methylene Blue which i could do straight away if it wasnt to late??
If they have white fuzzy stuff on them they are dead and i'm sorry you can't reverse that situation. Bin them. The longer you leave it , the sooner you will loose any other eggs.

I read somewhere about adding Methylene Blue which i could do straight away if it wasnt to late??

As I've read too but, this needs adding when you have the eggs newley layed and, not after they have fungus. Its a preventitive(sp) medication, not a cure.

I'm not trying to be nasty just, realistic.

I have had a few eggs fugisied, and some fry not long after they have died!

You have just got to put it down to learning. Another factor that in my experience that I have not asked.Is that maybe efect the eggs is the water temperature?( I have noticed the higher the temp the quicker they hatch )

Experts please reply, I'd love to know if this is a factor too.
Yea i think a few lessons learnt for sure. Im going to give them till tomorrow and take them out then. There isnt any more eggs to infect as there were only 8 in total (they ate 1 before i could get them out). If they do decide to lay more eggs im going to have to try something different. Might have to do some more reading i think
hi cor2008

you can damage eggs by removeing them it took me a few attempts to get them to hatch
and fungus was a big problem but the more eggs you handle the more you get used to moveing them.

yhey should hatch with in 2-3 days from been layed :good:
cool thanks drewry. Would you recommend adding Methylene Blue when they are newly laid or is it best not too?
to tell the truth i have added meth blue before and not and had them hatched either way if uve got some then yeah you might aswell i think its personal chioce :good:

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