Yea, they're at it again this morning and so far i can see one egg
The 4 of them are going crazy, its well funny. I got rid of the other eggs this morning as they all had fungus growing on them unfortunately. I have the breeding trap now set up so them the air pump will be held in place under neath the eggs to create the air flow over them.
Any other advice? The temp is at 23.5c at the moment. Should i raise it slowly to 24c? (tank only contains the 4 peppered corys) I cant add the Methylene Blue either as the breding trap has small slits in it.
I really want these eggs to survive this time so would really appreciate any advice on offer
4 more just now.....
21 so far

The 4 of them are going crazy, its well funny. I got rid of the other eggs this morning as they all had fungus growing on them unfortunately. I have the breeding trap now set up so them the air pump will be held in place under neath the eggs to create the air flow over them.
Any other advice? The temp is at 23.5c at the moment. Should i raise it slowly to 24c? (tank only contains the 4 peppered corys) I cant add the Methylene Blue either as the breding trap has small slits in it.
I really want these eggs to survive this time so would really appreciate any advice on offer
4 more just now.....
21 so far