what color is your skirt?
hehe i tend to agree with this post, iv been with my partner for 7 yrs in november, and for seven yrs i had to put up with him swapping an changing consoles/pc's, my hobby at the time was collecting certain books (still do it now) but it never came to the actual amount that he spent, everytime i used to moan about it he used to tell me 'just u wait untill u get a great hobby and ur spending money what u havnt got, u will need my help then' blah blah blah.
well the tables were turned last yr, i got my first set up, it cost me £175 just for the tank ,gravel ,filter ,fish ,heater, air pump ,lid ,light unit ect. he had to shell out some money on it as well.
2-3 months down the line i spent another 250 on a 3ft aquarium set up.... (he shelled out 50)
3-4 months after that i got my 4ft setup... iv spent an estimate of 400+ on this tank already and im nowhere near finished.. iv been told to have a cabinet built for this tank im gonna have to pay somthin along the lines of 200-300, then iv gotta get my proper lightin set up (thats bein sorted next week).
and hes had NOTHING to say about it, not even when i sold my 3ft for 100, and now im thinkin of replacin it with another 4ft
imo, get urself free of her apron strings. if its a joint house, tell her to get a hobby of her own or take more interest in urs (i find my bf is always askin why it costs so much so i do a run down on it wich gets him interested, wich brings him into what fish he likes). if its ur OWN home, it has nothin to do with her why u have so many tanks... after all its ur house ur hooby and ur money.
just my opinion