People just don’t get it...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I don’t judge anyone for doing something that I might not find interesting but they long as it does NOT hurt or effect anyone else negatively. Treat others as you want to be treated, so respect is key until you know people and feel comfy enough to verbally abuse each other without causing offence.
Fish is my hobby my love is metal and making I’m also a freak ?
I am currently in my semi-retirement job, I drive a school bus and love it, I have alot fun with my kids. I would love to talk about fish keeping with you but of course, the clique of cool kids in the back of the bus may mock you if they heard us talking.

I learn so much from my wife who made friends with everyone from nerds to jocks. Her key to success, get people to talk about their interest and find some common grounds. The so called cool kids have no interest in fish keeping so don't talk to them about it. Now you may find that quiet kid sitting in the front of the bus may be very interested in fishing keeping, personally I think these are the cool kids.

I also find that the girls in clique tend to be insecure with limited interest, just not worth the effort to be part of a clique.

I am not an expert in parenting but fortunately I get training on dealing with kids. Parents, including myself, fail on positive reinforcement. On the bus, positive reinforcement is so effective with kids, praise them on being good instead of focusing on being bad. So tell your parents, how about some positive comment on my fish keeping instead of all the negative comments. Don't defend yourself, just ask them why they are so negative.

Good luck!

I am currently in my semi-retirement job, I drive a school bus and love it, I have alot fun with my kids. I would love to talk about fish keeping with you but of course, the clique of cool kids in the back of the bus may mock you if they heard us talking.

I learn so much from my wife who made friends with everyone from nerds to jocks. Her key to success, get people to talk about their interest and find some common grounds. The so called cool kids have no interest in fish keeping so don't talk to them about it. Now you may find that quiet kid sitting in the front of the bus may be very interested in fishing keeping, personally I think these are the cool kids.

I also find that the girls in clique tend to be insecure with limited interest, just not worth the effort to be part of a clique.

I am not an expert in parenting but fortunately I get training on dealing with kids. Parents, including myself, fail on positive reinforcement. On the bus, positive reinforcement is so effective with kids, praise them on being good instead of focusing on being bad. So tell your parents, how about some positive comment on my fish keeping instead of all the negative comments. Don't defend yourself, just ask them why they are so negative.

Good luck!

A guess a bus driver would know cliques of kids in a group better than anyone.

I just know that I never fit in with any group besides my friends on TFF, I only have 4 friends in real life, but only 1 is a good friend.

I have some good online friends though.
A guess a bus driver would know cliques of kids in a group better than anyone.

I just know that I never fit in with any group besides my friends on TFF, I only have 4 friends in real life, but only 1 is a good friend.

I have some good online friends though.
Yep, lots of like-minded people here who like to watch their fish
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@PheonixKingZ, you’re a good young man. As you age, you will shift and mold into a great man. You’re at a difficult age right now. Be patient with yourself, listen and learn, and use good judgement. I look back at some of the guys in high school that I thought were nerds. They grew up to be rather good looking in most cases and most became very sccessful and financially well off. Dang it, if I had only known then... I would have fixed my sister up with them. Lol! Hang n there.
I look back at some of the guys in high school that I thought were nerds. They grew up to be rather good looking in most cases and most became very successful and financially well off.

Reminds of the cheer the Harvard band would use when their football team was losing:

"That's all right, That's OK, You'll all work for us some day"
I get called weird for many things that I do but fish keeping wise my family dosnt care as long as I pay for everything outside of family I get called “Fish Man” but I just adapted to not caring about what others care about me. And unlike most of the people in my city I don’t like violence, sports, rap, or care if the shoes I wear costed $300. The friend thing you talked about I can understand.
Whenever people say, “Hey, what do you like to do in your spare time?”. I mention playing my drums, shooting, exercising, and.... fishkeeping. “Fishkeeping? Like fish, like fish in a fish tank?”.... “yes...”

They just look at me like I have a disease. I have never met anyone in person that knows a lot about fish or loves fish like I do. They all think I’m so lame cause I “Have little fishes as pets”

I just feel like I’m stupid when I’m around other people, talking about me. :(
None of my friends understand my fish keeping obsession either. I actually don't tell people about that hobby. Only if they come to my house and see my aquarium setup do they find out. After they see my aquarium in person, they are more understanding of why I have it.
I think some of these replies are touching on the biggest issue here, without directly addressing it.

So after a lengthy, unforeseen needed break from posting on this forum (sorry guys, you can’t shake me that easy), I would like to take a crack at this one.

If I may, I’d like to start at the beginning, the title of the thread, “People just don’t get it...”

Exactly. I skimmed through a lot of the replies and I won’t go into a whole lot of details, but there were a lot of I don’t do ‘x’ and I do ‘y’

There’s a lot of ‘x’ I do and there’s a lot of ‘y’ I won’t touch with a ten foot touching pole.

For example, I’m a smoker. Cigarettes. That’s right, I smoke. But I can slap the label of “people just don’t get it..” on it.

the second some of you read that, you’re already judging me. And if you’re going to say you’re not, you’re lying to yourself.

Some people are even going to be willing to call me LAME for smoking. That’s their prerogative.

Disclaimer, I don’t condone smoking, it is terrible, under not circumstance should anyone start smoking, and it is stupid, but it is something I do, and I do for personal reasons and struggles.

someone who has never had to deal with nicotine/tobacco addiction is going to look at me weird, cock-eyed etc.

that puts me, in this day in age, as an outcast. A lame duck. Outcast.

i can think back on my life and know damned well that my curiosity led me to ask questions like

Why do you keep snakes?

Why are you a vegetarian?

Why don’t you like sports?

What do you mean you don’t know anything politics, don’t you care about your country?

I could probably write a book about the questions I’ve asked people about their interests, hobbies and opinions.

But if you’ve spent as much time as I have asking people about things, and listening to answers, you’ll arrive at some perspective.

that perspective is that everyone weird. Because everyone is weird means that some people who are weird in one way are going to think that other people who are weird in a different way are lame. Because those people don’t find the same things as interesting as you do.

guess what, they’re not supposed to.

we’re all weird, we’re all nerds and if they look at you as if their fascial expression says every thought in their head, that’s a they problem.

@PheonixKingZ i thought I saw a mention you were only 15 years old. You’ve been keeping fish for 6 years now?

I’ll look like a super observant well do-er if I got that info right.

You are on an online forum to share your experience and gain knew knowledge about a hobby you are passionate about. You’re already miles ahead of using dedication to greater yourself

As a 15, you’re still a baby, a child. You have your whole life in front of you.

I don’t know if you want to make fishkeeping your passion, hobby or job, but if you put the same dedication into anything else, you’ll be just fine, because at the end of the day, someone else’s goofy look at you won’t hold you back unless you let it.

Another disclaimer, I do love my beers, and there are probably a few typos and grammar errors in this post to prove that, but the drinking and going back to work, I will disagree with. Mostly because in my
Line of work that gets people hurt and killed, but also because, c’mon.

Anyways. You do you pal. Keep being interested and seeking information, that’s how people get ahead.

Eveyone is weird, but you’re a Nerd.


That’s a term of endearment, nerds will inherit the earth.

P.s. to prove my point, I’ll give $100 to any serious fish keeper willing to give up the hobby before I’m able to quit smoking.
Habits are hard to break..

I used to drink beer and wine but gave it up 11 years ago and am better for it. I smoke maybe one cigar a week. :big_boss: It's relaxing. I use a large hepa filter in my smoking area to limit breathing in excess smoke. In the summer, I exhaust the room's smoke via a large window fan with cross ventilation. I lost my mom from cancer due to her excess cigarette smoking. I avoided getting in that habit thankfully. Cigarettes are proven to be unhealthy and is also expensive. There are warnings on cigarette packages for good proven reasons.

I've been keeping fish on and off for 27 years. Would I give it up now. NO...unless all my fish died but even then, I would probably do a full cleaning and start over. I've had enough successes in fish keeping to know that you just have to learn from your mistakes and the lost fish to keep trying till you get it right. You learn how to read your fish to know when they're not well. You learn what works and what doesn't.

You might get lazy and not change the water often enough and you then lose fish. You change your ways and learn what works to keep your fish healthy. Proper water changes and substrate vacuuming and proper feeding but not overfeeding keeps fish healthy and happy. I"ve never had luck using fish meds so I just try to keep the water and substrate clean to lower the risk of fish catching diseases. There's is satisfaction in having healthy tanks and healthy long living fish.
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