Pencilfish - Suitable For 10g?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hertforshire, UK
I have been thinking about restocking my 10 g for a while now as it seems to have lost its way a bit and just wanted some info on which, if any pencilfish would be suitable? And if so how many am I looking at keeping in a tank that size? They would be the sole inhabitants.

Many thanks

Lauren x
you could keep 10-12 of the smaller species that grow to 1-2inches long.
I would also put a school of pygmy cories or a pr of peckoltia in there too. But it depends on what you like and how much money you have.
Thanks for the reply. I have narrowed it down to either Nannostomus mortenthaleri or Nannostomus marginatus. I would prefer the first but it depends on what is available and how much money I have to fund the re-stocking. I am also thinking about adding a shoal of Corydoras habrosus or Corydoras hastatus at a later date. Only problem being a live in an area with very (VERY) hard water so need suggestions (the more economical the better!) on how to create a supply of soft, slightly acidic water. Not sure on the PH but I imagine that is wrong too. All suggestions welcome!



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