Peacock Eel Not Eating


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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One of my peacocks is obviously malnourished, and the other two show no sign of that. In fact, the other two have doubled in width recently since I started cutting up and putting in whole cubes of brine shrimp or blood worms, but this one keeps dwindling away, and Is never active at feeding time. I do alternate foods daily, so If it was picky, it'd have a choice... I even tried flake eventually, as I got it from petsmart.

What's wrong?
Hey there i had the same problem with mine at first, and i was told to soak some frozen beefheart in garlic extract for ten to fifteen minutes, and feed in a seperate tank until my eel would eat it w/o the garlic and it worked great he even comes to the top when its feeding time.

Hope this works...

Some eels are pretty crook when they are purchased and have pretty slim chances of recovering due to poor catching and shipping methods, bad lfs, a diet of flake in the aforementioned bad lfs (alot of the f***wits don't seem to realise that a good 99% of eels just aren't gunna eat it), etc, etc, etc.

I have had a couple like this over the years and have found that one of the best ways to get them eating is live blackworms. Stick a huge wad of them in the tank so it is swarming with them (they live in the substrate so aren't gunna die and foul up the tank and the eels will pick them off as they feel like it) and see how it goes. He mightn't eat until the lights are off but there is a good chance he will eat. I have had a very high success rate with this method and saved alot of eels I would have sworn would croak on me.

Good luck with it and keep us posted on his progress :thumbs:

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