Parrot X Black Convict

What's that bright yellow fish? :huh:
That's what I was afraid of... might as well house him with piranha.
Actually the Parrots don't bother him, and every time I take him out he gets hella depressed and jumps out of his tank. SO I let him have his way and be with him. The Parrots think he is great they mimic him. He is the king of the tank, no one messes with him >.>
Well, if I were you, I'd just add a 1 gallon compartment on the 700 gallon, so he could get water fromt he 700gallon and not be with the parrots!
it's not the water, I tried that, he wants to be with the Parrots, that is the problem, and he gets so sick when he can't be, so I let him have his way.
Ya, but since he want to be with them, make it is so it's like he's with them, but really not.
I'm tired of beating around the bush. Your betta's fins are obviously shorter than they ought to be. I can tell the difference between a plakat and a long-finned fish who has had his fins bitten off. He is being nipped at, no matter how much he "loves" to be with the others, and he needs to be separated from them. He is not human, and he is not the one who wants to be with the jellybeans, you are the one who wants him to be. I'm sick of this "my betta is lonely" BS everyone dishes out when they try to house their fish with incompatible tankmates, and this is about as incompatible as it can possibly get.
I tried to be nice about it, but I'm not going to sit here and listen to you give me excuses.
See? My idea would work. Besides, your betta wouldn't jump out of his tanik if you just took a kool whip container lid and drilled holes in it and used it as a cover.
You know what I hope your happy, being such a jerk I moved him and he died. Maybe you should pay attention to be, your right his not humand but they have feelings too >.> but you proved that you don't care if they do or not. And he ate his fins when I seperated him GOD, I knew what I was talking about jerk
If indeed he died, it was not because he was separated from fish who were literally eating his fins off (whether you noticed it or not). If he did die I'm truly sorry, but it seems very coincidental to me that he would die so suddenly and in a fashion that would so perfectly seem to prove me wrong. What exactly were his symptoms before his untimely death, and where did you move him (tank size, temp, water stats, tankmates?) Do you think leaving him in a tank full of aggressive cichlids who were biting his fins would have been the better solution?
How on earth did we use almost a whole page in the hybrid forum talking about a Betta? Back to the pictures of the babies. They are absolutely beautiful. I finally got mine switched over to the 55. They are soooo cute. They definatly all have black stripes but I still can't what color they will be. Most look grey like the dad, but a few are yellowish, redish, or pinkish. They seem to change everyday. However they do all have a lot of the irridescent blue. More than either parent. Starniliya when your babies start showing male/female differences let me know. I would love to get at least one. And your male is FABULOUS!!!!! :hey: That is exactly what my females first mate looked like.
Thanks, the new JP I got is female, she is so brightly orange it's amazing

As for the Betta, He showed no symptons, He was in a 5gallon with a pair of guppies at 82 degrees (27c). He's the one who ate his fins >.> I saw him do it. I've raised and breed bettas for years. I'm done talking to you about it, Your jerk and leave me alone on the subject.
Raising and breeding bettas for years still doesn't make them good tankmates for a highly aggressive cichlid :rolleyes:
Did you bother to acclimate him when you switched him to the new tank? Seriously, I don't mean to be an ass, if he died I'd like to help you figure out why... I promise you it wasn't of a broken heart.

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