If ur in the US i might be interested as well, if u can get us some pictures (pictures of the parents would be great too)
Hey Vally I'd love to get one of your fry they sound amazing (hopefully the pink with black stipes will stay that way), I hope you find a male JP if I knew how to sex mine I'd check the babes I have, maybe I could send you one of mine if you wanted?
That would be great
<- Oh the fish in my avatar is female and the blue JP I posted a pic of around here are breeding lol that makes two pairs now
That would be great
<- Oh the fish in my avatar is female and the blue JP I posted a pic of around here are breeding lol that makes two pairs now
Fabulous!!!! That's two more breeding pair that will never have their babies dyed! If I can find a good supply to match mine up with, I have a total of 4 JPs that can't be bred with each other. (Even if fish incest isn't illegal it's still gross.) By the way in case you haven't noticed I'm kind of on a personal crusade to stop the dyeing of these fish. I mean it's not like they aren't colorful enough naturally!
It's JB, not JP