Parrot Fish


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
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Essex UK
hey all
im just wondering what fish can be kept in with a parrot fish?
i was thinking about maybe getting one or two but i just dont know what they can be kept with
also what size tank do they need?
well any info will be helpful
If it is a blood parrot (severum/red devil) they are quite timid as far as cichlids go. I have kept them with blue acarras, chocolate cichlids, severums and firemouths. If it is a jellybean parrot (they are a convict hybrid), they tend to be much more aggressive. I have not kept these so I do not know.
yea it will be a blood parrot
well how big does a tank have to be for like just 1 or 2 parrots?
i have one in a big 4 ft tank and he only eats flake because his mouth cant fit in cichlid pellets, by the way my otehr one that died of hole in head :-( had a sideways mouth and needed flake also, just bare in mind the larger pellets cant be eaten by them, my one is a proper blood parrot with an orange/pinky colour and eyes tht look like mascara shes lovely and batters up my oscars and frontosa, in the future i would love to have an all BP tank they are lovely fish.
i have two blood parrots, couple of cichlids, ghost knife fish, plecos, clown loaches, large dainos....they're fine...been there several years
i have asked a similar question myself. i have set up a 55 gal US and have a jellybean parrot fish in there with a common pleco in as a temp home (for pleco only). the parrot will stay but i have been told that they will live well with a blood parrot, convicts and severums. so yours should be ok with a jellybean parrot (assuming the info i collected is good).
jellybeans tend to be more aggressive then severums, but if you get a larger severum, it should be strong enough to handle a smaller more aggressive fish.
I'm really surprised to hear people having so much luck with BPs and other fish. I've tried keeping mine with a plec and it killed him, he killed his own mate in the fish shop and every shop we've asked about them has said that you can't keep many fish at all with BPs because, depending on the nature of the fish. The bigger the tank the better but it does all depend on the nature of the fish too - mine is a bit of an evil git at times! I'm successfully managing to keep him with a rhinocerous garra of the same size as him without any problems and apparently bristlenose plecs also make a good combination because they are 'armoured'.
i have mine with my giant gourami, he punks them during feeding time, but they are fine and they manage fine
i also have 8 parrots wit a jardini, they punk the aro during feedin time though :lol:

btw i have notice you people saying what kind some parrots are like severum and jelly bean and things like that
what is the difference?
red devil + gold severum = bloodparrot
blood parrot + conwikt = jellybean parrot.
both are deid a bright colour sometimes.
real blood aprrots that arent deid are a oranjey red to pin kcolour and can get upto a foot long.
deid ones and jelly beans barely get over 4". also the jellybean male can develope lumped head like a male conwikt. hope that hjelps :)
I don't think you'll find a 12'' bp... largest I've seen was about 10''...

I've seen larger then 4''... someone on another forum had a few 6'' ones.
well im on a forum.... and i have a 9" one... so bah :p lol
anyone wanne poste some pics of their BPs and JBs ?


my male when i got him a few months ago...

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