Parrot Fish

its in english :/ anybody wanne post some pics of their bloodparrots or jellybeans ?


My brother took this one. He's babysitting these two for me till I can find room and mates for them.

BTW these are all Jellybean Parrots. None are more than 3" long. One is 6 years old......
My dad came home and "surprised me" with 2 blood parrots....I have a 75 gallon with 6 neon tetras, 6 black neon tetras, 2 german blue rams, 1 african butterfly fish, 6 skirt tetras, 4 corys, 1 platy, i have a feeling some of these fish will be missing tomorrow morning. The pet store is closed so I cant go return them, and I dont have a seperate tank because I just put them away in storage. Any advice?
ummm use a seperator
go to a hardware store and find a nice piece of plastic tat is about the right size or something and find something that will make sure it can be secured
use suction cups if you have some

if the parrots are not that much bigger than them they might not eat them
just try to give the parrots enough food so they will be satisfied

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