panda just dies....


Oct 9, 2003
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is it common for panda corys to die all of a sudden?
i woke up a couple days ago and he was upside down at the bottom. no outer injuries, he seemed normal, just dead. (well not really normal then) -_-

i know some fish tend to die alot easier once moved aroudn and stuff... but my panda has been in my tank for probably a month

there are 3 more pandas in the tank, 46g, all readings are normal....

has this happened to anyone else?
yep... we had it happen...

We wanted 4 in our tank... so we bought 4... over about 5 weeks 2 died... for no reason we could see.

We went else where (dodgey stock maybe) and bought 4 more (six sounded good) and again over about 6 weeks 2 of these died :(

anyway the 2 from the first group and the 2 from the other group are now over 6 months in our tank...

they look like they might be about ready to breed too :)
I've heard they are more fragile than other Cories but I've never kept them myself so I can't say from first hand experience.
Hi panboy :)

I hadn't thought about it for a long while, but when I was starting to establish a school of pandas in my tank, I had a bit of trouble too. :nod:

That was some time ago and, now that they are settled in and grown, they are healthy and spawning regularly. I haven't lost one since then.

I hope yours do as well as mine in the long run. :D
I had two die for *apparently* no reason, although one had no barbs when I bought him which might have had something to do with it. I heard they're delicate.
ahh whats wrong.

another one is dying right now.

its wierd because ive had them for al ittle bit, it has been longer than a few days.

the thing is with the one right now, he is upside down, and i thought he was dead, but when i went to scoop him out he swam away, but then ended up tipping over again?

anyhting i can do?
Hi panboy

I feel so bad for you. I know how hard it is to stand by and watch a fish die and not be able to help it. :sad:

Whenever I see a cory acting strangely, I do a good water change. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not.

IMHO, if your water quality is good and you do frequent water changes and gravel vacuuming, these fish must be infected when you buy them. Sometimes bacterial infections develop quickly, but they can also take a long time to show symptoms.

Please keep an eye on your other fish and if you get more pandas, it might be a good idea to buy them from another lfs.
I know this sounds odd but are they the smaller 2 of the group?

When ours died it was always the smaller ones??
Hi clutterydrawer :)

An 8mm panda is barely more than a fry. IMHO, he was too young to be sold since the weaker ones do tend to die off while they are very young. :nod:

As to you fish without barbels, well that one was doomed from the start. Barbels are sensory organs that they use to find food. They are lost due to sharp or rough substrate or as a result of bacterial infection. Although corys can sometimes survive and possible regrow them, their chances are not very good.
Hi clutterydrawer :)

No, it wasn't your fault. Why not try again? :unsure:
panboy said:
the thing is with the one right now, he is upside down, and i thought he was dead, but when i went to scoop him out he swam away, but then ended up tipping over again?
I'm so sorry your panda cory died. :-( :-( :rip: :rip: That exact thing happened to my panda cory. I think sometimes they do just die for apparently no reason.
Inchworm said:
Hi clutterydrawer :)

No, it wasn't your fault. Why not try again? :unsure:
I'm going to :) I have to wait till after my exams though cos I have no time right now. (although I apparently find plenty of time to visit this forum... :D )
Just make sure that you get your Panda from good place. And good size also. Since I do lose lots of Panda fry until when they survive to be 1 ". I still do not know why but that is the way. When they reach to the size of 1 ", I can count that fish as 1 but before that I never be sure how many young Pandas I have for sure.
So anyway, get from the breeder or another aquarist from your local aquarium society if you could. S/he should know how to take care of them after all they must raise from the eggs. If you have to buy from the store, make sure they are in THE store for 1~2 weeks and not the fish just arrived from the long trip. The fish that got weakened from the trip tend to pass away in the week or 2 and you can't do anything about it. So ask the store personal when the fish came in. Most of the store tell you the truth.
Anyway, they may not be the hardiest fish but once they settle in, they should bring you the years of enjoyment as long as you provide good water and enough food. And they are such a nice fish to have.

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