Panda Fry Log


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I managed to save 7 panda eggs from my greedy fish :rolleyes: ,they hatched today :nod: ,will have to leave them in a net for now has 20 fast growing bronze juvis in the fry tank :)
It's a great feeling isn't it. My corys quite often spawn after a water change but I presumed that all the eggs got eaten as I am not actively trying to breed so just left the eggs. Put the light on yesterday and fed them and lo and behold a little baby peppered cory swimming happily around the bottom looking for morsels. I am chuffed to bits especially as I did nothing special to raise him/her. It must have just survived by hiding away when tiny and managing to feed on the scraps of food left over.
I love it... i'm raising my first batch, and can hardly stop staring at them! they're so tiny & cute!!! :wub:
Thanks all :)

They're doing fine at the moment,found another one in the main tank whilst doing their water change :nod:

Heres a pic i took when they hatched.

Awwwwww can't wait til I get my cories. I think I'm gonna try to breed them a lil just so I can see the cute and tiny fry. :wub:
Update- babes are doing well,6 new fry hatched yesterday plus just found 2 more eggs,quite near hatching by the colour of them :)
Thanks :)

i've had panda fry in the past and have never had one panda survive past a few weeks,so i'm hoping these will keep going,fingers crossed
Thanks inchworm :)

Found 2 fry in the main tank,moved them out for their own safety :rolleyes:

I think theres around 17 fry in the net atm,fingers crossed for good success rate for these babes...
super small! about the size of my krib fry which are only a week :X

i just scooped about 200 cory eggs into a net tonight, no idea what type but i got a fair old few breeding now :eek:

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