Panda Cory


Fish Fanatic
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Isles of Scilly
Hi everyone I got home from work today and one of my Panda Cory's has lost its blackness especially on its front stripe over its head and its hardly moving even when I added food its just laying on the bottom of the tank. Also it keeps on what looks like falling on its side but rights itself before it goes completely over. Has anyone got any idea what could be the problem with it?
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does he look pale like his colour bleached out.
Is he bloated.
Any sore on his body or red streaking through the fins.
Sounds bacterial but need to know water stats first.
Hi Wilder thanks for replying.

180L Tank / 40 Gallon
6 Panda Cory
3 Peppered Cory
2 Dwarf Gourami
4 Black Phantom Tetra
5 Glowlight Tetra
6 Zebra Danio
5 Harlequin Rasbora

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0.1
ph 7

he does seem a bit more pale than the other, hes not bloated and no sores or red streaks through the fins.

tbh I dont think he going to last much longer but im still very concerned about all my other fish.
He dosn't sound good to be honest, once the start to lay on there sides corys never seem to make it.
If you can issolate him anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
Then just do some daily water changes on your tank.
I dont have a hospital tank I can put him in but I do have a spare plastic tank that my daughter used to have for a goldfish, but theres no way of heating it or filtration. I also live on a island with no chance of getting meds for a couple of days, im not giving him much of a chance am I :(
Ok can you issolate him in a container at the top of the tank.
It dosn't sound like he's going to make it if he has to wait for meds anyway.
Bless him,.
Well unfortunately he didnt make it after I isolated him but all the other fish seem fine. Thanks for trying to help though Wilder; always appreciated :)
Bless him R.I.P.
Just preform a few daily water changes on your tank.
Good luck with the rest.

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