Panda Cory Flicking Against Things

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May 27, 2009
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Northants UK
Can anyone tell me if Panda Cories occasionally flick against things, or if it is more likely to be an early sign of Ich?
I have a 60l tank with 3 guppies and 2 Panda Cories. the tank has been set up for 3 months now and it has been around 7 weeks or so since it finished cycling. Water stats have remained constant in this time with 0 ammonia and nitrites and 10ppm nitrate and between 7.8 and 8 on the pH.
I did however introduce guppy no.3 on Monday. The guppy has shown no sign of trouble and I used a net to put him into the tank, a small amount of water did go in from the bag, although not much, I am worried that my new arrival has brought ich with it. I have not noticed either panda do this before, and it is the larger of the two pandas that has done the odd flick against things I have seen it do it maybe 3 times over these last 2 days. It is not a constant thing and seems happy in all other ways, although there was a scrum over some wafer yesterday and the guppies were all having a go at the pandas over this on ebit of wafer (the guppies having finished off their flakes of course!) so not sure if a guppy has hurt the panda although there are no sore looking patches either.

If anyone can advise I'd be very grateful,
many thanks,
If anyone can shed light on my original post I'd still be grateful, but I have stopped worrying about the Panda now, as I have watched him alot today and not seen him flick against anything. He is still a lively little chap (or chapess) and has continued to feed like a trooper. I shall keep a close eye on him and all the others, but now feel that my panic is over.
Many thanks,
I think the ph is a bit high for cory's tbh. They tend to prefer softer water. Also you need to increase to about 5 or 6 if you want them to remain happy..

On the problem I have seen my cory's do similar in the past but never seen them repeat, and nothing came of it so assumed it was somthing stuck in their gills or similar. Maybe someone else will shed more light... I would keep an eye on him anyway. Ich isn't the only reason there are others e.g. nitrite spikes or gill flukes etc...
Thanks for that Keen on Fish,
I am aiming to have 5/6 Pandas in the end. We are taking the stocking fairly slow though, and adding to the Pandas will come last, as although my first ones were sold to me after reading that they were easy fish and suitable for new tanks and beginners and thats how the lfs sold them to me too, I then found out that none of that is strictly true! In the end we (my daughter Izzy and I) are hoping for 5/6 Guppies, 5/6 Panda Cories and 2/3 Pitbull Plecs. We're fairly strict with a weekly water change and would be happy to do more if it seems to need it, and check the water stats frequently too, though now more like once a week rather than 2ce a day as in the beginning! I am hoping the pH will gradually come back down to how it was when the tank started to cycle (would check but the details are in Izzy's room), as I said all the stats have remained the same since cycling has finished, but think it may be a bit early yet to use chemicals to bring the pH down, but will consider this if needs be as the Pandas are such great fish.
Many thanks again,

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