Pairing my bettas

Oh no :rolleyes:

I speak from experience when I say, never say "your mama" unless you know the person very well . . .

I went through a "your mama" phase and made a lot of people mad at me. :lol:
Yeah, but you don't know who you offend by saying something like that either :( What if someone's mom was... would you feel badly?

This is too childish... I'm not reading this topic any longer... it's lame.
yes but i mentioned it about my mother and not anyone elses
i am very sorry if i offended anyone
there are two things that I see wrong with this thread ( and yes I sat here and lost more than a few brain cells) watching you guys argue over nothing. the question was answered more than once in fact, but then after the question was answered you all took it upon yourselves to condem both the person and the act, yet you all will be the first to say that this is the and I quote " friendliest forum around" now how does that work? Oh but wait I will answer that for you.... IT DOESNT!!!! this thread should have been closed a LONG time ago but since it isn't let me ask you all this don't you all feel stupid for arguing over a question that could have been answered like this:

while it is INADVISEABLE to breed these fish like this and try to sell them to others, there is a very good PINNED topic on what you need to know about breeding bettas.
I'll disagree and say that I see/saw no reason to close it,I prefer the members work it out and have no hard feelings, but the needless arguing and name calling is unacceptable! You guys sure get rowdy when I'm not around! *fist shaking not-so-smilie * :sly:

To answer the question, what will my results be? As already mentioned it is impossible to tell with pet shop bettas. Most are too old to spawn anyway.

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