Pairing my bettas

yea i looked at that site i already have about have of that stuff

just need some meds, baby food, conditioning food for adults, fitler replacements, plants already have some but more are good, ziploc gladware tuperware and margarine containers, take the wut like 400 and cut it down to maybe 125 the most expensive things willbe any kind of tanks i buy. i know what i need to buy its even almost cheaper to buy a few 2 gallon takns divide them for the young males before i can sell them i pairs
i have ideas as to what to do with them i can place adds in the newspaper that will catch peoples attention free fish to good home or Crowntail Betta fish for sale 4.00$ people will buy them. then theres the 3 or 4 local petstores that i can sell or gthem to plus friends and family bettas make good presents. i know wut to do if and when i breed them
do not put ads in the paper for free fish. some people will see this as an opportunity to get some free fish to torture/fight. some pet stores will not take fish from you unless you have a hatchery license so check before you breed. you need to make sure all of your containers are at least 40 ounces.
40 onces is .5 g right?or more? well if not free then like 4 dollars for a fish are the licences obtainable cause i need to do sumthing with the guppr fry i have cause they are gonna start to die off without more space
I know what you mean. Your just asking questions before you breed and getting more information.

I think you guys think he's just going to plop them together tomorrow and he's not. He's just asking "what if" questions and learning more as he researches and asks questions.

And you did kind of jump on him :/

As for the "2 dollar fish" I don't think he values a more expensive fish more. I'm sure he cares a lot about the fish he has but sometimes when you first breed you only get like 4 fry that make it to adulthood or the male or female is overly aggressive and kills someone. When you are un experienced in breeding (not that you didn't do research, I mean as in your first time) things can go wrong and you can't help it. I think there is nothing wrong with breeding veiltails once or twice until you are confident enough that you can breed quality fry. As long as you can find homes for your veils and ask around before you breed I don't see why it's a problem. But I'm sure one of you will have a reason -_-
Auratus said:
But I'm sure one of you will have a reason -_-
LOL. I'd put money on that bet, Auratus. Seems like it'd be hard to lose...*grin*
Thank you auratus and cation!
Jac i am not just going to take two fish throw them in a 5 gallon tank hope they don't die and leave both the parents and babies in there for months and i also don't need some of the breeding equiptment as it is roughly 85 degrees outside all the time till fall. I know what i need to buy and when to buy it and i don't appreciate being told wut to do like im too stupid to find out on my own i merely asked one question and that was what would the offspring of my fish look like IF we have an IF here i decide to breed them.
sorry to tick off anyone that KINDLY answered my original question like sorell and shark fan
I don't want you to think that I was jumping all over you. :unsure: I just didn't want you to end up with hundreds of bettas with no homes. -_-
well im sorry that i actually care about the fish. i see so many people in forums on the internet that jump into breeding and end up hurting/killing all of their fish/fry. if i can prevent it, then i sure would like to help. i dont know where i called you stupid. if you can show me the quote, i will apologize.
i told you that you needed to research more and you got offended. i didnt tell you that you couldnt do it. i was trying to give you advice because i have done it before. i have made mistakes and dont want others to do the same. if you already know what im telling you, you dont have to be rude. but i can see you have not done enough research and i am trying to help you.
auratus and caution-i dont know if he will have a problem getting rid of them. i know my family/friends dont want anymore of my fish. but then again i dont htink i have 500 friends i could each give a betta to. im just trying to tell him, its often hard to get rid of bettas that arent top quality. personally i have never bred vts because i dont know what i would do with the fry. im oposed to giving them to a lfs because i know most of them will eventually die unjustified deaths. all of my raesons stem from the philosophy of treating animals humanely. im sorry if people are offended by my concern for fish. to me fishkeeping is about...the fish.
I don't think you get what he is trying to say :dunno:

We know your trying to help but sometimes you just come off... well, a bit rude... :/
you did not call me stupid but you implied that i would just rush into breeding bettas with no clue whatsoever almost like you just saw breeding and first time so u thought hmm he is just going to get his fish killed or something.
you did jump on me but i don't thik you saw that i was only thinking about breeding
Auratus, it's just her way. Jac really seems to care about the well-being of her fish, and others. I think it's noble, and I appreciate her attempts to help others take the best care of their fish possible. But sometimes her passion blurs her vision, I think.

Jac - Auratus made the comment "As long as you can find homes for your veils and ask around before you breed I don't see why it's a problem." Implied in her answer is the concept that homes are to be found before breeding.
I do not believe that she was suggesting he start breeding to get experience and not worry about what would happen to the fry.
Auratus said:
I don't think you get what he is trying to say :dunno:

We know your trying to help but sometimes you just come off... well, a bit rude... :/
im only trying to help. sorry if anyone is offended. but id rather be considered as rude than not post something important because im afraid someone might get offended.

slam-ok i understand that you are in the process of researching it. no i didnt imply that you were going to rush into it. im saying-learn from other people that do. no jumping took place. i dont "jump."

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