Pairing my bettas


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
if i paired a female cambodian like this one:

and a crowntail like
with less red

any ideas of what the fry would be like they are lps fish i just borrowed links to the auctions cause i do not have a camera

or what about if i paired my lps cambodian with a red purple blue and cream combtail
i also have aother female that looks like this:
but mine is darker and creamyer

i just borrowed the auctions with fish like mine the linked fish are not mine.
advice is useful
well even if i get mostly mutts it wouldn't be bad if i breed cheap lps bettas for my first time and then move on to fish from breeders
Before you breed mutts, make sure you have a plan for the fry. Many pet stores don't want them and there's no way you'll be able to sell them to breeders.

If i were you, I would invest in a nice pair who's genetics you know and then breed. To quote Kelly "you'll have no problem getting rid of quality fry" :)
hmm yea but there are always friends and small local non chain pet stores that may take them im sure i would find some way to get rid of them plus not all hundred or more will survive for 6 months
ummm, where are you getting six months from? :huh:

I don't think breeding is such a good idea if you go into it with the intentions of caring for thrm in such a way that "not all of them will survive"

Also remember BKK's recent spawn that resulted in over 600 fry, that's a lot of friends -_-
i assure you sorrel that if i do breed i will find someplace to sell or give the fry to i just picked six months as a number i am still researching i just have both male and females i will take great care of the fry as i am with my guppies but there are culls and there are strange unknown deaths i still need to clear out my ten gallon tank that has a bunch of 5 month old guppies that need a new home yea yea over crowded but there is no other place for them except my pool
To get back to your original question...there really is no way to know what you would get since you don't know their backgrounds. Just knowing the fish you have isn't enough with Betta Genetics, you need to know the grandparents and great grandparents to have a better idea (and even then you get the odd surprise, hehe). Since they are mutts then you would get quite a variety of multi colored fish I'm sure.

Most of the LFS in my area are more than happy to take young bettas (3 months plus) from breeders in exchange for trade (usually a dollar a fish). So nothing to get excited about, but it is a way to reduce your stock. I figure it pays for their food, so I'm happy.

Personally I have no friends that have wanted any of my fish, so thank goodness I'm not relying on them, Lol. (although my stock comes from show or near show lines rather than lfs stock).

thanks, but it still is a good expierience for a first time breeder. this way i use cheap breeders idon't know about them but i would rather lose a 2 dollar fish then a 50 dollar fish. if you know wut i mean. im so happy i bought the females yesterday and the reddish one lost her stress lines right before i turbed the light off yesterday :)
another question.

both of my males have the recessive alleles for tail forms so if my females are heterozgous meaning they have both the recessive and dominant allele for tail form would the fry be mostly veiltails and maybe 25 % combtails and crowntails?
the females also look like they might have crowns developing so double recessive would give me 100% of the offspring with comb or crowntails right?

thank you
i really think you need to do more research before jumping into it. you need to have at least 100 40+ ounce containers for your males and have to be prepared to do water changes on all of them twice a week. you need to have growout tanks for females as well.

i dont think your idea of losing a $2 betta is better than losing a $50 betta is in the whole spirit of breeding bettas. you shouldnt value a higher priced fish more than a lower priced fish. if you think its ok to lose a $2 betta and not lose a $50 betta, then i dont think you should be breeding.
i said that this is all IF i breed them i kno what i need to buy and what i have
what i meant with the cheap fish is that for my first time i don't want to spend 50 bucks on a fish and risk it getting killed if anything goes wrong
jacblades said:
i really think you need to do more research before jumping into it. you need to have at least 100 40+ ounce containers for your males and have to be prepared to do water changes on all of them twice a week. you need to have growout tanks for females as well.

i dont think your idea of losing a $2 betta is better than losing a $50 betta is in the whole spirit of breeding bettas. you shouldnt value a higher priced fish more than a lower priced fish. if you think its ok to lose a $2 betta and not lose a $50 betta, then i dont think you should be breeding.
I agree, it is alot of expense in setting up breeding , I have been posting my goings on with my tanks and setup. I am build 5 , 120 gallon grow out tanks and 2 betta barracks drip systems. I have spent already 400 dollars and have only one tank finished. I am at a stand still waiting on more parts to come in. I also wouldnt breed the bettas until I have the stuff in hand at least and the means to get rid of them. Have the plans in place talk to your LFS now to set up to take the fry off of your hands. Also it is better to breed the fish you want and get your experiance with the fish's personality , because they are different and every spawn is different unless they are a pair that has bred before. Even then the spawns wont go the same. I think it is very cruel to breed a "2 dollar" fish and then worry about what you are going to do with the spawn later. What are you planning to do that you might lose a "50 dollar" fish. You are not being very responcible with the way you are going about it. I hope you either make a plan and be prepared in advanced for it , or rethink this "breeding" thing you thought up. Remember, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". (unknown quote)
Research, research and research.
slamster17 said:
i said that this is all IF i breed them i kno what i need to buy and what i have
what i meant with the cheap fish is that for my first time i don't want to spend 50 bucks on a fish and risk it getting killed if anything goes wrong
I didnt see your responce when I made the last post. But if you do your research, and plan everything out, nothing should go wrong that you would lose your fish.
omg if i do this it is going to be my first breed i donot want to spend 50 on a fish over the internet! i am doing research I still have to sell all of my guppie before i can breed bettas geeze don't get all pissy

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