Oxygen Bubbles

way to go FishNix....

How are the Nitrate levels in your tank...

Mine is still pretty low, I am dosing 1 ml daily (should add .97ppm) but I am getting a lil pearling, nothing major..

I added another 2L CO2 bottle as well.. my CO2 level increased. but I guess I have too much surface movement which makes some CO2 escape.. what kind of Filter you have?

But my plants are showing amazing growth... I just noticed that my Java Lace has a couple of baby plants hanging on the top of one of the leaves... I took some pics but they are not that clear..




you can see the small roots hanging from the top of the mother leaf and some baby leaves... the baby plants are still attached :)

This is so amazing :D :lol: :hyper:
thanks :D

i actually dont have a nitrate test kits yet... so ive just been doing a very small dose. i went a little crazy today and rearranged the whole tank! i'l ltake some pics once the water clears.... my motivations for changing things were that i wanted to incorrporate the drift wood and my gravel bed was starting to grow algae or something and needed a serious vaccuming... i think it looks good but im still not satisfied :rolleyes:

i havent added another co2 bottle yet, but i am using that excel stuff as you know. i try to keep my water level just to the edge of the filter so it doesnt aggitate the surface too much. im using a penguin filter that hangs off of the back...it has a biowheel but i forget the model name/number.

one of my plants actually did that too but im not sure of the type... its the one in the front right...

I guess you are talking about the water wisteria, it always does that in my tank..

I am being very careful adding the nitrates.. they said if you create a Nitrate shock from 0 to 10ppm at once, all the fish will die.. so I am being careful

I will stat dosing 2ml per day later on...

Do you wear gloves when you rearrange the tank? I saw the coralife long sleeve gloves and I have been thinking about getting them.. I heard you can actually get some infection if you have a cut in your hand while it is in the water

How often do you add the regular plant food? and how much... I haven't figured how much I should add..
not that... the one that looks like a short/wide amazon sword...

any ideas?
ummm No idea... sorry

try to take a closer pic
hey all-
i got a crinum calamistratum the other day... its's pretty cool but apparently needs a lot of light... although the guy at teh LFS said he grew one in a low light tank and it thrived...


ps. im trying to figure this other plant out...i dont have a closeup on hand but its pretty easy to see in that pic. ill try to take one :)
hey -- another thing ive noticed is that my glass top gets fogged with humidity under the lights...does this happen to you? it could be b/c i have it almost sealed by using the plastic panel and just cutting out enough space for my heater cord, filter return, filter suction and CO2 tube...

any ideas? maybe i need more ventalation? im hesitant to remove the glass b/c im not using waterproof endcaps and i will probably get a lot of evaporation...

Ok first, I love the texture of the leaves of this plant.. I want to get one also.. Too bad my LFS does not have any good plants.. and the ones he has are algae infested :/ I want to check out another LFS which is about an hour away.. I guess its not that local anymore :)

As for the glass top, I don't have it all sealed.. I didn't use the plastic part that goes on the bacl and I have it fliped open all the time :rolleyes: I might as well just remove it..

I don't think the evaporation will have any effect.. especially since the back of the canopy is open
since im addictied to overclocking my computer... that almost sounds like a good idea ;)

unfortunately, we have magnetic ballasts and i would assume that it would draw insane amounts of current... i dont know about you, but i live in an old house with sketchy wiring... that has me a little worried ;)
Well the ballasts we have are magnetic so we would have to get new ones...

I checked some at HD today and they are around $20.. I just have to take a closer look at them to make sure they will work.. but the 2 lamp ballasts are quite big.. I am not sure they would fit under the canopy..

I dunno about you but I don't feel that my tank is "bursting" with light.. I feel I need a good reflector at least.. I don't feel the aluminum foil is doing a good job...
yeah, i hear that... that's part of the reason i was thinking about the whole fog thing...

i was looking for VHO endcaps, but i would have to replave everything t ouse them i think.. the electronic ballasts are not that expensive, but i think we would need atleast 2.

what do you think?

Well it depends how many bulbs you plan to overdirve... are you thinking of overdriving 2X or 4X? I was looking at the 2 Lamp ballasts today...

but I am currently looking for the cheapest solution.. If I can get my hands on some good and cheap reflectors (miro 4) I think this will make things look brighter.. the miro 4s are availabe from ahsupply for 15-16 each if you want to buy the 17 inch long but I just checked the 34.5 inch long ones and they are 20 each. we can get those and cut them in half :)

the only problem is that they are 4 inches wide.... I have to do some measurements to see how many I can fit.. on another hand the 7 inch wide ones (might fit 2-3 bulbs) are 40 a piece

and shipping is only 4.9

I am seriously considering one of those... but it has to be next month... I have spent my monthly allowance of 700 for the aquarium this month :)
Hey FishNix,

How are you doing..

So I have been thinking about switching my filter to a canister filter to eliminate the surface movement..

At the same time I am considering another alternative:
Move the filter to some smaller tank under my 30 gal tank while keeping the input in my 30 Gal. and having a pump from the 10 Gal delivering the filter water back to the 30 Gal tank..


I just have to make two shutoff mechanisms not to over flood the 5 Gal tank

what do you think?
That's callled a sump pump and it's mostly used for saltwater tanks. If you look around there are all sorts of plans for a sump on the net.


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