

New Member
Jul 4, 2003
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my 120 gallon 4x2x2 tank seems a little overstocked but i'd liek some other opinions about it.

i have
4 Severums (2")
4 Parrot Fish (3")
6 Clown Loaches (1-1.5")
2 arowana ( i know its a no no but ignore this)(4")
1 teacup stingray(5")
1 tiger shovelnose catfish (another no no)(4")

the tiger will be given away at about a foot half long and one of the arowanas as well. how does this stock of fish seem so far?
ado said:
my 120 gallon 4x2x2 tank seems a little overstocked but i'd liek some other opinions about it.

i have
4 Severums (2")
4 Parrot Fish (3")
6 Clown Loaches (1-1.5")
2 arowana ( i know its a no no but ignore this)(4")
1 teacup stingray(5")
1 tiger shovelnose catfish (another no no)(4")

the tiger will be given away at about a foot half long and one of the arowanas as well. how does this stock of fish seem so far?
By the time the TSN gets to a foot and a half he will be the only fish left so you wont be over stocked any more:lol: he'll get that big while the others are still 6 to 8 inch,im suprised he hasnt ate the clown loaches already,have you counted them recently?

The tank isnt big enough to keep even one arowana in,they need tanks at least 6 foot long and 30" wide,but that dosent really matter because the TSN will eat them any way,a tank that size will be ok for 4 full grown sevrums and the ray,any more cichlids than that will lead to territory disputes and violence,the clowns could stay as well providing theyre still alive.
the TSN has attempted to eat a loach but that was when i first introduced them into the tank. since then he seems to have tamed a bit. im not even sure if he's a TSN in the first place. i would like your help to identify him but i lack an image. as of right now he has no stripes rather dots. he's brown with a white stripe down the middle goin the whole length of the body and a white belly. he has black spots that seem evenly placed and some on his fins. the body is the same shape as a TSN but when i purchased him they told me he was a SN. I've seen shovelnoses and they look nothin like mine. the lack the duck-bill like face.

as for the tank size. i've searched the web and have found that my tank is sufficient for a black arowana, as they do not grow as long as the silvers, and that they grow slower as well. i personally only wanted one arowana but my brother was paying and was determined to have two. the catfish right now is the "*****" of the whole tank. he is picked on constantly and finds shelter best when hiding under the ray. the ray and catfish have a great relationship. probably because they were introduced to the tank around the same time.

other than my fish eating each other would my tank be overstocked? this was the main question. thank you again
The fish you desribe sounds like it is definately a juvinile TSN,a absolute aquatic monster that can and will consume fish up to two thirds of its own size,they are not fighters mind you and will be picked on by fish such as cichlids,large barbs and charicins,that is until night time when the catfish will just eat them while they sleap,trust me another member just found out the hard way and lost a much treasured malawi cichlid to a blind TSN he had taken pity on.This fish can grow to 4 feet long,as im sure you know,and due to the huge ammounts of waste created after a feeding should only be kept in tanks of 150 gallons or more.You can not and will not tame a TSN they are out and out piscavors and view all tankmates as food,even your ray will not be safe.

I dont know where you did your research on the black arowana Osteoglossum ferreirai but id certainly like to know,this fish will not get as big as its cousin the silver O.bicirrhosum but will still attain a size of 40" which im sure you agree is too big for a 48" tank,as for how fast they grow depends on what they are fed but you can be sure this fish will outgrow a 4 foot tank within a year to 18 months.

To answer your question,no your tank is not over stocked at the moment but in the off chance that the TSN dosent wipe out the tank you will be heading for problems in the future,a 4 foot tank is only suitable for holding 4 large cichlids and the TSN and BA both get far to large,the clowns and ray will be fine.

Good luck and if possible post some pics,id love to see the tank before all hell breaks loose,the fish you have are certainly a collection of stunners.
thanks alot CFC. i will take all you say into consideration. I already know that the tank will get wiped out. i actually knew that the BA or the TSN would do it eventually.

i'll post pics as soon as i get rid of this algae problem. that was the reason for my posting the overstocked post. my water has turned green on me. :/ i just did a water change within the last 2 days as well. bleh.
Green water probably isnt anything to do with the stock in the tank,the most likely cause is that the tank is getting some direct sunlight,water changes will help as they reduce nitrates but will not solve the problem alone.Try to make sure the tank is not directly facing any windows and if possible keep the blinds/curtains in this room during the day.

BTW if you geta tank large enough to house the arowana they will not wipe out the tank,arowanas arent a mega aggressive fish and will not attack fish that are deep bodied and larger than they can swallow,they will also usually leave bottom dwellers alone so even the clowns should be ok,the only problem fish you have is that TSN,ive seen a video clip of one eating a 24" trout and have heard about one eating a 30" diameter stingray tail first,they truely are a awesome predator.If you really want a shovelnose cat why not go for a sorubim species (lima or planiceps) neither will reach much over 20" and have much smaller mouths and appettites,a much safer option for the "large" community tank.
i just love the body and shape of the TSN. that was the reason i got it. if there is a catfish with similiar traits that does not get as big i'd really like to know about it. as for the sun problem its never in the sunlight....however my lights are supposed to "mimic" the sunlight. i'll probably cut down the hours in which the main lights are on. do you know if keepin my actinic lights on 24/7 is a bad idea? thanx again

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