Overstocked? Final Thoughts On My 20 Gal....

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Yeah, I was considering getting a gigantic school of harlequin rasboras as they're so active, but I'm already somewhat decided on the 30. I was thinking
2 dalmation Molly
1 gourami
8 rummy nose tetra
1 bristle nose
And, like you have, either polka dot or zebra loaches, maybe 4-5 .
Ruskull said:
I would say yes to being overstocked.

6 corys and 6 tetras is where I would be in a 20gal.
C'mon now, that's ridiculously understocked bro.  It would depend on what Tetra & what Cory also.  I admit my 20 gallon is overstocked, but I'd say 8 Corries & 8 to 12 Tetras plus a centerpiece fish such as a Swordtail, Platy, etc.  Maybe even a trio of either of those.
No it's not. Plus I wouldn't recommend keeping a livebearer with those other fish, since from what I've heard, livebearers like higher pH's, while corries and tetras (again depends on type) prefer lower pH's.
I disagree.  You should have no problem with a pair of rams in a 20 with a small school of tetras and a small shoal of corydoras.  And really, you could so 8 tetras, being thinner bodied than the corydoras.  But don't keep more than 6 corydoras with your rams as they will be competing for floorspace.
Well, in my case at least, I think cardinals, sterbais, and gbr should do fine as far as water chemistry. Not trying to act like I know a ton about fish, but from what I've researched it seems these three fish all like soft acidic water with low ph. I know sterbais are great with discus because they can handle the higher end of tropical fish temperature at 82-84 farenheight. However, I'm sure they'd do alright in 78. Oh yeah, does anybody else reading this have a 20 gallon with a canister filter? I can't find one that's rated under 45 gallons, but I really want one because I know gbr need pristine water conditions for their health and color
I use an Ehiem 2217 in my 20L.  Love it.  Of course it is heavily planted.  If you have a regular 20, the 2215 would be fine.  Or go smaller if it is not planted...
cpwebsite said:

I would say yes to being overstocked.

6 corys and 6 tetras is where I would be in a 20gal.
C'mon now, that's ridiculously understocked bro.  It would depend on what Tetra & what Cory also.  I admit my 20 gallon is overstocked, but I'd say 8 Corries & 8 to 12 Tetras plus a centerpiece fish such as a Swordtail, Platy, etc.  Maybe even a trio of either of those.
No it's not. Plus I wouldn't recommend keeping a livebearer with those other fish, since from what I've heard, livebearers like higher pH's, while corries and tetras (again depends on type) prefer lower pH's.

Well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Platys should have a pH of 7-8, while Sterbai Corys should be kept  at 6-7.5.  Both would be fine at 7-7.3 or so.  Cardinal Tetras like a lower pH of around 5.5-7.5, but still there's plenty of overlap to keep these 3 types together.

The pH for German Blue Rams is a bit lower..........so I wouldn't recommend keeping Germans with livebearers.

r.w.girard said:
I disagree.  You should have no problem with a pair of rams in a 20 with a small school of tetras and a small shoal of corydoras.  And really, you could so 8 tetras, being thinner bodied than the corydoras.  But don't keep more than 6 corydoras with your rams as they will be competing for floorspace.
Exactly, I'd be worried about the small footprint of a 20 gallon high with too many bottom dwellers competing for the space.  
Ruskull said:
Exactly, I'd be worried about the small footprint of a 20 gallon high with too many bottom dwellers competing for the space.
Did we ever establish tank size? 20 or 20L? Because, it really does matter for the stocking... Also, you're right about pH: one might be able to get away with livebearers and Bolivan Rams but GBR are known for their particular water chemistry requirements.

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