Oversized Sig's Announcement

Its all within reason As said the site is private and can enforce or be as lax as they like on any rules they set.

keeping a sig to a cirtain length and height just helps cover many users. You say dialup is now dead but mobile users are at an alltime high and keeps growing.
Its all within reason As said the site is private and can enforce or be as lax as they like on any rules they set.

keeping a sig to a cirtain length and height just helps cover many users. You say dialup is now dead but mobile users are at an alltime high and keeps growing.

lol my mobile runs at anywhere from 1-3mbs, humm bit faster than dial up dont you think? (Samsung F490 on O2)
Rdd you iz one SEXZY beast
Thanks but it's amazing what photo shop can do. They hang a my real pictures in the corn field to keep the crows away. One word of advice, never trust a Realtor's photo to look anything like them.

but may I ask what makes the whole signature topic a "LEGAL" matter?
Obviously, I didn't mean the word "legal" as in the police were going to be knocking on your door. What I meant, of course, was that it was outside the guidelines of the forum.
I believe there's also a rule about not having web links to other sites and such advertisments in your sig and profile, there's one mod that contravenes that rule as well.
With reference to me..........eh!
Ok its have a go at the Mods time again.
I have deleted the link to my website for helping folks with their Nano Reefs.
Secondly I gained permission to advertise Livefood Starter Cultures long before being asked to become a Moderator.
I have taken down all this helpful information and services and now my sig is barren. No need to cast up anymore.
Evidence of a Mod willing to conform
I believe there's also a rule about not having web links to other sites and such advertisments in your sig and profile, there's one mod that contravenes that rule as well.
With reference to me..........eh!
Ok its have a go at the Mods time again.
I have deleted the link to my website for helping folks with their Nano Reefs.
Secondly I gained permission to advertise Livefood Starter Cultures long before being asked to become a Moderator.
I have taken down all this helpful information and services and now my sig is barren. No need to cast up anymore.
Evidence of a Mod willing to conform

this is exactly y i made my first post in this thread wot does any of it matter tbh ppl just have a little 2 much time on there hands and complain :blink: just dont understand and now ppl are obliged 2 move things that have probably helped many users in the past..... :(
Well, as was so rightly pointed out to me.... I too contravened the board rules so therefore I must conform so I removed the offending info and service. If thats what folks want.
Maybe I should take down all the other useful information as well whilst I'm at it. Take my proverbial ball home so to speak Why theres not much point of me and others like me sharing information and time if its going to be thrown back in our faces. I shall think twice now about helping others.
this is exactly y i made my first post in this thread wot does any of it matter tbh ppl just have a little 2 much time on there hands and complain :blink: just dont understand and now ppl are obliged 2 move things that have probably helped many users in the past..... :(
It's generally not the links that's a problem. You can put a lot of links in 5 lines of text. Miss Wiggle, for exapmle, has 7 links on one line. The bigger problem is the large photos and banners which take up a lot of space on the page (causing you to have to scroll farther down on large threads especially if someone that has a huge banner or photo has posted multiple times on it) and also on the server. With photos up to 100k being allowed, if only about 25% of our members had photos that large, that would be about a gig of storage space just for those photos.
Its all within reason As said the site is private and can enforce or be as lax as they like on any rules they set.

keeping a sig to a cirtain length and height just helps cover many users. You say dialup is now dead but mobile users are at an alltime high and keeps growing.

lol my mobile runs at anywhere from 1-3mbs, humm bit faster than dial up dont you think? (Samsung F490 on O2)

Firstly get a better mobile. most run 7.2mps...... :p but my point was that you imagine the scroll frenzy now required. Dial up may be dead on waiting but with mobile access size does mater.

This thread is starting to get b!tchy.... maybe we should alter the rules a bit to please many. maybe 7 lines of normal text or a banner to suit with a banner witdth of about 700px so your not scrolling right if on an older laptop or screen. for every item on page due to one banner.
I believe there's also a rule about not having web links to other sites and such advertisments in your sig and profile, there's one mod that contravenes that rule as well.
With reference to me..........eh!
Ok its have a go at the Mods time again.
I have deleted the link to my website for helping folks with their Nano Reefs.
Secondly I gained permission to advertise Livefood Starter Cultures long before being asked to become a Moderator.
I have taken down all this helpful information and services and now my sig is barren. No need to cast up anymore.
Evidence of a Mod willing to conform

nope never noticed that you had a link in your sig, wasn't talking about you at all. I personally don't see any problem with links to other fishkeeping sites or pages, it all helps people out, but if thats what the rules are then that's what they are.
It's generally not the links that's a problem. You can put a lot of links in 5 lines of text. Miss Wiggle, for exapmle, has 7 links on one line. The bigger problem is the large photos and banners which take up a lot of space on the page (causing you to have to scroll farther down on large threads especially if someone that has a huge banner or photo has posted multiple times on it) and also on the server. With photos up to 100k being allowed, if only about 25% of our members had photos that large, that would be about a gig of storage space just for those photos.

how about giving members a pinned thread, in which they carry their sig links and info. you could then add a simple link in the sig section,of a post to direct others there.
It's generally not the links that's a problem. You can put a lot of links in 5 lines of text. Miss Wiggle, for exapmle, has 7 links on one line. The bigger problem is the large photos and banners which take up a lot of space on the page (causing you to have to scroll farther down on large threads especially if someone that has a huge banner or photo has posted multiple times on it) and also on the server. With photos up to 100k being allowed, if only about 25% of our members had photos that large, that would be about a gig of storage space just for those photos.

how about giving members a pinned thread, in which they carry their sig links and info. you could then add a simple link in the sig section,of a post to direct others there.

Thats just more trouble then its worth, so what if someone misses out on a picture of their tank in their sig, or what they have in their tank. If someone is that interested then they could look at their profile which you can have infinite amount of information. I say the mods either update the signature rules, or come down stricter on them. I know I have had a talking to a few times about my signature by a few "Unamed :angry: :angry: :p" Mods. They are not harsh about it and ask nicely which I dont see a problem with. The biggest argument I have seen on here is that "what does it matter", well what does it matter if you dont have a sig you can have information in your profile.

And one last thing..... DONT DO DRUGS, or take smarties
With reference to me..........eh!
Ok its have a go at the Mods time again.
I have deleted the link to my website for helping folks with their Nano Reefs.
Secondly I gained permission to advertise Livefood Starter Cultures long before being asked to become a Moderator.
I have taken down all this helpful information and services and now my sig is barren. No need to cast up anymore.
Evidence of a Mod willing to conform

The later post by Miss Wiggle pointing out that it was not aimed at you would appear to make the above pram/toys interface activity somewhat unnecessary, however I would like to add a point regarding it being have a go at the mods time.

Can it not just be members noticing that sometimes the mods, that are there to enforce the rules, do not always abide by the rules themselves?

Let he who is without sin... et cetera.
This is one crazy thread.... :crazy:

I believe (if it hasn't been written before in this very mixed up thread) that you can uncheck the box that allows you to view other members signitures.....problem for you solved I think?

Hows mine BTW :shifty: Deal or no deal?
This is one crazy thread.... :crazy:

I believe (if it hasn't been written before in this very mixed up thread) that you can uncheck the box that allows you to view other members signitures.....problem for you solved I think?

Hows mine BTW :shifty: Deal or no deal?

what if you don't want to turn off all sig's, people often have useful links that they refer you to or information about the tank they are asking questions about, I don't want to turn all that off, but I don't want to have half the page taken up with people's pictures on every thread :nod:

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