
Ny82 said:

Aww I do have friends on here, they are such good friends they tell me to get pics and I end up coming back with it! I have heard that one before

Yeah I think he means the stingray filter! It's the hagen elite 60. I don't like that filter, I am wanting to put my fluval u2 into it and get the fluval mini for rustys tank. Even though the filters set to "b" the slow setting for plants, he still struggles to swim against it then he lies against the filter like he's having a rest. 
I have well and truly caught the bug with tank number 3 on the way. Picking it up Tuesday
Ha, yes, well...
Have you thought of a sponge filter for Rusty by any chance?  I have one in with Bob as well as one of my other boys and I find them very good.  I think Wildbetta uses them in all of her Betta tanks now.
   Exciting Tuesday for you...
Now don't laugh but I don't actually know how the sponge filter works. The one they sell in pets at home has all these pipes and I would get so confused. That was my original plan but I wouldn't know how to put it all together 

We will not laugh as that is how we all learn.  Basically the sponge filter is purely fastened to an air pump.  You control the flow with a small tap put in the airline if need be, or ideally get an air-pump with the control on it.  Plus, you need a non-return valve to prevent water returning to the air-pump from the aquarium.  Take a look at my link in my signature, "A retirement home for Bob" and you will see me putting one together in there.  Most of them look more like this though...
If you need more info, feel free to ask
 I bought a very quiet pump with a controller on it so can tell you the make if need be.
Thanks RCA I will have a look. It's just embarrassing as I have been doing this for 18 months and don't know how it works.
I have an api air pump sitting in the cupboard doing nothing. I watched a vid on youtube but it's all confusing. Does the sponge filter plug into the wall? Does it circulate round like a normal filter or is it one of them that has a pipe and it goes into a bucket (I don't even know if that's related lol) The kit is only £4.99 but knowing my luck I would blow something up. I don't do pipes and wires!
Thanks for that!
I also found this video whilst looking for planted 60L tanks for stocking suggestions. 
I think 6 rams are a bit too much but maybe 2. I do like the german blue ram, it's a gorgeous fish. I might look into that.
What a great thread!
Youve done a great job on the tank I had one once and it was really hard to keep clean the lid really does impact the effectiveness of getting in and cleaning it. That sword could take over the tank so make sure that you keep it well trimmed :)
Wills said:
What a great thread!
Youve done a great job on the tank I had one once and it was really hard to keep clean the lid really does impact the effectiveness of getting in and cleaning it. That sword could take over the tank so make sure that you keep it well trimmed

Thankyou Wills! It was a lot of work but I am glad I did it. I am just waiting for a nitrite spike. 18 months ago when I gutted the main tank out and removed all the sand I had a bad nitrite spike, it was dark piurple for about a week.
I don't know why the swords look greener in that tank. In my other tank the leaves were awful I was constantly pruning them because they would be brown. The twisted vallis however grows very well :D
I don't know about CO2 I just put a fertiliser in once a week. Is lighting a factor? The tanks go on around half 7/8am then off again at around 9pm. Is this too long? Any help in keeping my plants alive will be greatly appreciated!
I would say that is too long - do you ever have algae issues?

Mine are in for 7-8 hrs
I used to have lots of algae. Then I got snails, it was great no algae but about 5000 snails lol. I have an otocinclus (sp?) but I don't really see any algae. I can't even keep anubias alive!!! Twisted vallis and cabomba are about my limit. My moss balls went brown, my water lettuce disappeared and my java moss died too. God I sound so miserable hahaha!
Oh wow, ha ha I thought Anubias were pretty much indestructible :D
Everyone says this to me, which makes me feel worse! 
I don't have time to look over those in detail, but I will later.  At first glance though, the Aquael 80 has curved edges, which I have been told warps the image.  I'd prefer corners. :)
Oh I didn't realise. It looks pointy in the pic lol. The 120L one is panoramic with curved glass at the edges, that's what I have just now on my 64L and it plays with your eyes a little bit :/
The bigger the better though and I am really leaning towards the 120L that's 26 gallons, I can finally get something different like rams.
If you have the space I'd say don't settle for anything smaller!  I have only two possible spots in the entire house for tanks so I'm determined to make the best use of them I can :)
The space is not a problem. 
My 2 tanks are against the far away wall

I am planning to put the new tank here

I am going to measure it. It's almost 4 feet so hoping to get the best one!

Or move the 2 I have just now into that space and put the new one where they are. Now that's an idea...

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