Overdose Of Anti-Algae Treatment!


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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Hey, basically I have a massive algae problem in my 180ltr convict cichlid tank.

I just added eSHa Protalon 707 to the tank but accidently got the bottles mixed up, you are supposed to put in 90 drops of Protalon 707 A for the first few days and then on day 3 add 18 drops of Protalon 707 B.

I accidently added 90 drops of Protalon 707 B instead of A, I don't know what the difference is because it's all in German! It does say that it is 'well tolerated' by fish, but adding 5 times the recommended dose has me worried!

It would be extremely difficult to perform a water change as it would almost certainly end in a convict fry massacre :/

Do you reckon the fish'll be okay? They look fine atm but still, what do I do? :blink:

Thanks all!
Can you not put some of the fish into a container / bucket, perform a water change, then put them back?
Put a large sponge over the end of the siphon, it will diffuse the intake enough to keep the fry from getting sucked in. A crimp in the hose will slow the flow as well, it will take longer to drain, but the fry will not get sucked in.

Fry going for a ride through a siphon is a common occurrence with breeders, just suck them out of the bucket with a turkey baster, and squirt them back into the tank. Fry tank maintenance is one of the few times I still use a bucket for water changes, light bucket for dark fry, bright orange bucket for light fry.

By adding chemicals to deal with algae you are dealing with the symptoms, not the problem. Problems often include too much light, overfeeding, or insufficient water changes. Solve the problem and the symptom, algae, will go away.

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