Outdoor tanks


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2022
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So, I have this wild idea about setting up a tank out on my deck, not sure what fish would survive the fluctuations in temperature I'm in NJ, we can go from a warm 95 degrees to a cool 55 at night. I'm also thinking having rainwater going into it. My first thought was goldfish since it could probably go well into the fall but Im not a fan of goldfish. Anyone here doing the outside tank in less-than-ideal weather?
I'm keeping fish outdoors during the better months of the year myself ever since the mid 1980's. If I look at the temperature margin you're dealing with, white cloud mountain minnows, paradise fish or mosquito fish would be good contenders to keep outside.
Been there, done that 2018... Northern Outdoor Tropical Tank
That's a heck of a journal! Makes me think twice now about keeping a tank outside. Funny, outdoor tanks and swordtails is what attracted me to the hobby decades ago (yes I'm an old guy)

Born and raised in a Caribbean Island, I remember meeting someone having their backyard loaded with tanks (in the shade) with some small pools, of course there was no need to be concerned about any cold spells. I was always impressed with one of their display tanks homing the biggest green swordtails I have ever seen, their water changes were accommodated by the next rainstorm and the feeding was tubifex worms which they also cultured and harvested.

Back to topic, I never gave it a thought about having such a big container, I was thinking more in the terms of a 20 long or 40 breeder but the "grow out" bigger tanks I think will speed up the growth of the fish, of course all other things considered, frogs, critters etc. The next thing to consider is where to home the fish in the fall, another indoor tank?

The time to do it would be now, just at the end of spring. We'll see, so many plans, so little time. Thanks for posting your journal.

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