Our new baby bunny

Wuv, you must have a collection of the world's cutest animals :wub:

I one bought a 'dwarf' rabbit, it grew to 10kgs :grr:
AWWWWWWHH, I wanna nominate her POTM for the one that she is all by herself looking so cute in the rubbermate container!
SHE is soo cute, so wish I could have one. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
xXMrBonesXx said:
off topic but can i ask how you go about trimming the bigger bunnies nails?
Sure, I have to do it often because they grow really fast and it makes him clippity clop on the hard floors :rolleyes: I just put a towel in my lap (because he sheds like a madman when I do it!),kind of wrap it loosely around him,lay him on his back with his head under my chin and hold the foot with the left and clip with the right. Do it often and they'll get used to it. It's important to keep them trim because it causes their feet to hurt and curve when their nails are long.

Well, after reading some more on such young kits it is pretty clear that this girl should have been with her mommy for 3 more weeks. They don't even open their eyes until three weeks and stop weaning at seven. She's only four. She wasn't eating anything and her poo is kind of wet. I had to bathe her again today because it was stuck in her fur and I also thought she was running a fever. I went and bought her some orphaned kitten milk which she took, alfalfa which she devoured and some spinach that she nibbled on. After that she crashed for hours. She's so little :-(

Thanks for ooh'ing and ahh'ing at her with me guys. We're lovin' having a new baby, I just didn't realize how very little she was.
wuvmybetta said:
I'm really not sure what she is and I didn't even ask. I don't think the lady knew for certain,she kept saying some of them were half lop :huh: Here's a better pic,maybe you can tell.

Thanks you guys :wub: She's just the most precious thing and her and Rab's hit it off right away :wub:
Awwwww, she's so CUTE!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Looks like a Netherland Dwarf to me, or at least part. I used to have a couple of 'em :nod:

As far as ago and being away from mommy...I can't remember what age theyr'e supposed to get weaned at. I can only remember wild baby bunny info. They grow up pretty quickly and by the time they're the size of a tennis ball, they're on their own. Domestics are most likely different, but like I said, I can't remember stuff about them. 'Sides, I'm guessing you did research :nod: Enough rambling... :p

aka Married Lizard :wub:
You can give her some yogurt to keep her tummy from getting all washed out. I rub it on their faces and they'll lick it off :thumbs: I know with adults you can give a little pepto on a cracker, but I don't know with one that little :unsure:
wuvmybetta said:
I'm really not sure what she is and I didn't even ask. I don't think the lady knew for certain,she kept saying some of them were half lop :huh: Here's a better pic,maybe you can tell.

Thanks you guys :wub: She's just the most precious thing and her and Rab's hit it off right away :wub:
Now THAT would make an adorable Happy Easter card!
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
cometcattle said:
Got any more pics of Harlie?

How old is she?

She is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
hmmm,good question!! Har was adopted last November and they told us she was 2,but we figure she was closer to three or four. So,she's about 4'ish by our assumption. She was a death row rescue and it took me a looong time to trust her. But now,looking back,I have no idea what I was so worried about :wub: She's just the best girl I could ever ask for :nod: There used to be times when I was scared to leave her and Rabs alone in a room together,nowadays I sometimes leave the house and realize I left her inside and I left the rabbits door open but it doesn't worry me enough to turn around. I feel as though I can trust her.

I snapped a pic of her for ya really quick,she's crashed :rolleyes: Her tail is my favorite part of her though, it's a curly pug tail :lol:
Here's an older pic of her as well :wub:


  • harb.jpg
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Bun Bunz is doing great you guys!! I'm very happy :wub: She's been eating more and I saw her munching pellets today :wub: I believe she has fit right in. This is our first baby since Rab's was a kit two years ago and it's amazing to watch how much Tuesday has learned about caring for animals. When we first got Rabbie it was awful because she constantly wanted to hold him and pester him and now she has a much more calm attitude about pets. She would bug Rah so much that I had to make up the 'safe place' rule,meaning when he went into his cage that's it,she can't bug him when he's in his safe place. But with Bun Bunz she'll just sit beside her and pet her and talk to her without having to constantly have her hands wrapped around her :rolleyes:
Look at that smile!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

POTM for that one. She looks SO happy! :D

I love the sleeping pics too :wub:

It's great you adopted her. It looks like she's thanking you with that huge smile. :nod:
Did they know any of her background when you adopted her? :dunno:
I always wonder about my dog. All I know is he was almost a year, and it was his second time at the shelter.
Isn't she a doll :wub: All we know of her background is that she was dumped at the pound with a litter of her puppies and that her pups had parvo so they put them down. Then,because she was nursing and stopped so abruptly,one of her tits burst open. She has a huge scar under her arm :/ It was still pretty fresh when we got her so she must not have been with the foster family too long. When you look in her eyes you can see a lot of heartbreak,well you used to anyway. That was what made me fall for her so quickly when I saw her. Her eyes told stories.

It took her a while to settle in and be certain of her place in the family.I had to constantly reassure her that this is her house and we love her,and that she's not going anywhere ;)
what a little cutie!!! she has such a pretty coat too. love the colors.

are your bunnies bunny-box (litter) trained then? or do you normally keep them in some sort of hutch and just let the poo drop through? just curious.

oh, and har is looking great!! so glad you all decided to keep each other :D
Omgosh that is exactly how I pictured Harlie :eek: She is adorable, rescue animals are such great pets, no love like what they can give :wub:

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