Our Large Pond


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
i spent alot of sunday morning wripping out barrow load up on barrow load of weed and dead bull rushes out and its been worth it, great weather today so had no end of fish coming up.

first 30mins you get the large ones sevral ghost carp well over a foot long and some large koi

after about an hour the little ones come up to feed hundreds and hundreds of goldfish, koi's, orfe's, cmmon carp we thing theres mirror carp too




yes its known as our lake, granpa tells everyone its "tait lake" ...and usually gets the reply....."tait puddle more like" but its big we had it doubled in size a few years back and i dug another pond about a 1/3 of its size last summer.........but it struggles to hold water :(
Could we get a picture of the whole lake or pond. Looks very nice. I wish i could get e pond like that.
digi came broke :( :( :( ill get one on my phone next time im down there

infact theres a good picture on disk from a few years back somewhere ill upload it later ;)
Makes me miss the pond of my grandfather's that I grew up on. It was full of bass, brim, crappy, and catfish though. Also the edge got tadpoles galour and the creek running into it had all kinds of critters like crayfish.

Man....thanks a lot! LOL

Just kidding.....nice pond! :D
Ohhh could you sail a small boat or canoe on it? That's so cool!

yes! we have huge problems with this oxygenating weed stuff it suposedly gives the fish oxygen during the day but takes it out at night and just covers the pond (i spent 4 hours weeding it the other day!!) originally we did it with a rake from the side this took forever so we borrowed a small boat this also took forever unloading the weed out the bout but now come up with an easy soloution i put on a set of fishing waders and go in with a sickle cutting it all off below the water line, we should have some nice lillys flowering any day soon too :) oh when we get the time were going to be building a bridge across it..........ooh we have a moorhen and chicks too B)

:edit: and a heron :crazy:
So what are the deminsions of this pond? Depth? Gallons? Is it a mud bottom pond or liner or other?
I can't wait to see a picture of the whole thing either..

Very Nice :fun:
clay bottom erm gallons are impossible to measure as its got various depth's nothing below waist depth as apparently it never gets warm enough if its too deep
those fish u were asking about are most likely kois! which are large goldfish
As to the mirror carp thing, its hard to say, but this link may be of some interest in indentifying some of the more unusual even just common species of freshwater coldwater species of fish that can somtimes be found in ponds;


:thumbs: .
The reason why the pond water is so muddy is because of the soil washing off the banks surrounding the pond/lake, can you get any full pond pics? You should cut down on the soil banking surrounding the pond and use some sort of border (like made out of planks, rocks or logs etc) to help prevent soil from running off the banks by rain into the pond. If you do this is should help clear up the water a lot and make it easier to see what types of fish you have in there :) .Does the pond have any filtration?
Pond plants, in general, are evolved to thrive off very little nutrients in the water, and too much soil/clay or other forms of nutrients being washed into the pond can cause algae blooms or make normal pond plants turn into weeds because of their thriving growth- duckweed can also be an issue. Koi carp can also eat away at the sides of the pond in their search for worms and critters living in the mud- this can make the water muddy, or make the sides of the pond spread so it becomes shallower.
Planting pond plants in the banks of the pond, as well as above water plants on the banks, can help keep the banks together as their roots systems hold the soil and clay together, preventing soil erosion :thumbs: . Lillies can block out sunlight, also helping prevent algae blooms or help treat them, they can also help prevent the spread of other nuisance plants while still looking gorgeous at the same time :) .
In the first photo's, you have a question mark over somthing that looks similar to a hollow stick, how long/wide is it roughly? I know of a critter that looks similar to that, but it stays very small u'see.

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