So, today was supposed to be the day Trod went into hospital for an operation – she got bumped till Sunday!
So, next she says, ‘ I will come round to yours with some Chaeto (is that the right spelling Trod, as you do so hate it when it is spelt incorrectly

) – round she comes with Chaeto and what looks like an off cut from a string vest, opens my tank lid and duly wedges the stuff behind my spray bar – not before complaining about the coralline that might be covering one or two of the holes on the spray bar, but hey, she fixed that
Next I get the usual, oh haven’t you got a lot of Aptaisa and she spends ages looking for my new berghia which is as tiny as you could possibly get without actually being invisible – think it is so small the Aptaisia will probably manage to eat it before it manages to eat the Aptaisia!
Then, we get the oh what’s that behind your rock – then I suddenly remember that my Pussy coral fell down there and I had forgot to get it out! How can you forget she says
So up goes the lid again
So, what's the plan then she says - knowing full well she will tell me what to do anyway

this is where I am struggling to keep a straight face, just waiting for her to tell me
Up goes the lid again and she starts to tell me what I need to do
She tells me to pick up my zoas and she will put her hand down the back
I manage to both pick up the Zoas and reclaim the Pussy coral who is not a happy chappie
Then we have this bright idea of fragging the pussy coral so
I'm too cowardly, so she sticks her nail through it
wow, we have done our first fragging
So, she now has a pot with a small Pussy coral and a tiny Asterina - couldn't persuade her to take the Aptaisia
Ok, now she wants some reef glue, so we pop to the shops - no reef glue but I come away with a Caracanthus maculatus, Red Speckled Coral Goby, which isn't actually a Goby at all

Also known as the Velvet Coral Croucher, the Spotted Coral Croucher, or the Orbiculate Velvetskin. Phew!
This isn't my tank - he is an interesting little fellow
So no reef glue, we head on out again to Andywg neck of the woods and Tugs Tanks, again no reef glue, this time I come away with the biggest snail (astraea) that I have seen -he was happily munching away on the algae in their tank so hopefully he will do the same job in mine
AND, she wouldn't let me get a bag of chips
Seffie x
AND boy is she going to kill me when she sees these unflattering photos - but if I am brave enough to show my face without make-up and in old clothes...................